Chapter 1~The Life I Lead

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16 years later \ the normal time this story is happening/

Info: Rin's haircut is still the same, she is about 167cm.

She is twenty eight.

Third Person Pov :


Rin woke up early in order to visit her parents graves. Well, actually not really their graves since it's in the Leaf and she can't go back there, actually she was just gonna visit the little temple high on the valley to prey for them.

After all, today was the anniversary of their death.

After taking a shower, the young woman put herself in a casual daily attire; blue jean, red sleeved shirt, high heels.

(A/n: picture, without glasses).

She had to be quick, so she can be back to the village for work in time.

Rin headed to the temple which was situated in the highest cliff of the peaceful village of Hanashu.

Hanashu was a small peaceful village, located in the east of the Land of Steam, it was quiet and harmonic.

Most its inhabitants were engaged in farming or other manual works, the village was surrounded by many flowers fields, which rested above a magnificent river.

While Rin was walking across the path towards the temple, she was greated kindly by Ishin-san, the old baker.

'As always, Ishin-san is always up so early.' She thought addressing the old man a smile.

"Good morning, Ayame!"


Yup, here, in this village at the edge of the world, her name wasn't exactly Nohara Rin anymore, it was Ayame.

A name she had borrowed from Teuchi-san's daughter, she couldn't possibly just tell them her real name, especially when she was the only ninja in this village, sometimes she still regretted her decision of declaring herself as a ninja.

In this world full of trouble, Ninja could equal double trouble.

And Rin couldn't allow herself such carelessness, especially if words leak to Konoha Anbu.

She thought dully as she finally made it to the temple.

"Mom, dad, thank you for always taking care of me, this year as well was a peaceful year, now it's already been five years since I started living in this village and nothing had happened yet, so I am probably safe, it's probably thanks to Obito who is with you and taking care of me from there."

A sad and small chuckle escaped her mouth.

"Not that I am saying that you're not doing a great job on your own," She chuckled, "I just know Obito is helpful when it comes to taking care of people."

She laughed grimly, no matter how many years passed, it was still painful

'Time don't always heal the heart, at least in my case.' Rin thought.

"Ma(whatever), Hanashu is a small and peaceful village, I am working here as a doctor, they know that I master medical ninjutsu but they didn't ask any questions, the people who live here are very unaccustomed with Ninja rules and habits, most of the people are old but they are all nice, they also don't care about the conflict in the shinobi world and want to avoid them, the majority work in the cornfield. There is a great one in the village, I help them from time to time and sometimes, I sit on the flower field to read my books and don't worry mom I also relax by laying there, the flower field of Hanashu is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen, its very relaxing too."

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