Chapter 83~ Hit with Indifference

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"What?" Asked Danzo unbelieving to the reporting Anbu. "All the Anbu sent in after Nohara are dead?"

The anbu who brought the report nodded. "Furthermore, they had no chance to send any signal, or even leave a message about what happened to them, we didn't even realise they were dead until today, according to the study made over their bodis, they were killed instantly, over a week ago."

"A week? A week since an Anbu's whole squad was annihilated and we received no words?" Repeated Isoziwa, a higher anbu, shocked.

Danzo looked thoughtful, who could possibly take down a whole Anbu squad so effortlessly.

"How much do we estimate the strength of the enemies?" Asked Fuu.

The reporting Anbu looked at him. "We think a single person did that."

Danzo's eye widened.

"A single person would never be able to eliminate an entire division."

"All the injuries seem quiet identical and made by the same kind of weapon."

"How many bodies did you find?" Asked Danzo.

"Fifty three, we had already lost a lot of man in the research, with those who are our most skilled scouts, we lost the entire unity."

"Fifty three, isn't there one body lacking."

"Seto-sama's body remain unfound. For all we know, he could be held prisoner by the enemy."

"I doubt it, Seto's disappearance have been signaled a week ago, a bit before the annihilation of the unity." Said Isoziwa.

Danzo sighed.

"And any trace of Nohara?" Asked Isoziwa.

"No, they have entirely disappeared."

"Whoever did that know the truth, but it is not Nohara and who ever we are facing, he have the upper hand." Said Danzo. "We received report three days ago that the research division was all annihilated as well, not a single survivor remained."

Everyone was shocked. "Here in Konoha? Someone was able to pass over the barrier and come this close?" They asked their leader shocked.

The old man stood from his chair, walking on his cane to the side.

"Indeed, I have already given instructions to reorganize all the defence, to have such a kill right under our nose, whoever did that took all the documents and deleted all our research over Nohara, he was even vigilant to do so before any of our sensor type could even feel his chakra. By the time, the reinforcement arrived to the laboratory, they were all killed."

Everyone had grim faces under their masks.

"Look for Seto, I believe he have more than one trick under his sleeve, however be doubly careful, assume that you are fighting an Akatsuki."

Everyone was shocked.

"I see no one else capable of such a thing, for all we know, she could have hired them." Said the Root leader calmly.

They all nodded.

"Dispose." Said Danzo and they left him alone.

'Madara..., I see no one else capable of such a deed, I was sure he was alive after all those years, and this was to sneak in whenever he want, it's the same as ten years ago, if so, he took hand upon the immortality and Nohara is his prisoner. I don't believe he would not take profit of such a power.'

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