Chapter 47~Awkward Situation

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"Aki-chan..." Rin said as if just awakening from a transe as she pulled free from his grip gently and stood still.

Akito looked at her.

She just realised that she must have been very scared as she was still in the clouds.


"Thank you," she told him sincerely.

Akito chuckled. "No problem, always here to help you, sorry but I have to apologise to Tobi-sama for your behaviour." he winked saying the last word and strode off before Rin had time to tell him about the grave mistake she have committed.

She sighed tiredly as she let herself fall against the wall leaning on it and holding her head from the threatening coming migraine.

After a little moment in the dark corridor, the young woman walked straight to her room and changed into her pyjamas.

She was folding her Kimono tiredly when the tissue was mangled together and the fold went awry, she sighed as she knew it was because she was tempered.

"What's with this outfit anyway, you look awful." She remembered the mysterious man in the mask telling her.

Instantly, Rin threw the fabric away irritated promising herself that she would never wear such a thing again, she somehow blamed the poor tissue for this misfortune, she then laid in bed, not even bothering to fold her clothes at the moment.

She felt so tired, yet she wasn't sleepy, she felt her stomach hurting from anxiousness.

What have she done? What if he see the vial of poison?

'There is no way, he gonna see it, the maid will fetch it when they go to clean the mess of the food.' told her an inner voice.

Sakura went to such length to give her the poison and she lost it miserably.

She wanted to leave, so badly, screw putting down Kaiji and be free of his torment, screw being forced to live in shadows again, screw all that.

And she hated it even more that she cannot do that. She originally intended to sell evidence against Kaiji to an Informer once she leave the Land of Fire. But to do so, she needed Kaiji himself, she knew the border were constantly observed by Anbu.

She cannot kill him since Akito would stop her and even if she act cunningly and kill Kaiji without the young man's notice, he would be in trouble for letting this happen as his bodyguard and it wasn't an option for Rin to ruin Akito's life.

And if she leave, Kaiji would use his connections to find her and she would be sure to be found by the Roots in a short amount of time.

Prudence, patience, discretion, carefulness, wisdom. To survive she must never lose sight of those qualities.

All this was so tiring.

Staying here was the best option to leave the Land of Fire unnoticed but...

Images of her awkward tense meeting with the Masked Lord went through her head.

'Calm down Rin, now you're alone,' she told herself. 'Kaiji said that he would stay only for one day. He will leave tomorrow.'

Rin's thoughts oddly went to the scroll Kaiji gave Tobi, what if Naruto and Sakura would be in danger because of that?

'They are strong enough to protect themselves, Konoha too can handle this...' She told herself before drifting to sleep finally.

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