Chapter 89~ Tears of Jealousy

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Rin and Ei followed the instructions to join their common cabine, the ship had took the large for a moment now and since earlier, Rin was feeling annoyed and somehow even betrayed while leaning on her bed.

As long as she remembered, each time she embarked in a boat, she was all excited, leaving the deck only to sleep, now she was locked in her cabine.

She was never one who overthink over anything, never one who keep thinking of only one thing yet...

Earlier when Asami came and hugged him, he didn't de-materialise. No, why would he miss that soft feeling of her fluffy big boobs against him? Not like with Rin, when she hugged him he de-materialised.

Her lover? Her lover to whom she lost her shrine maidenhood? That was Asami's words.

Her lover who offered her chocolate kindly when she was in a bad mood, her understanding, reasonable lover.

"My name is Tsukihada Asami, I will be tagging with you during this mission, so, take care of me." She had said earlier with her beautiful amber eyes, with a perfect eyeshadow matching her attire and the colour of her eyes.

She was ravishingly beautiful, dressed in modern style for a change she had told Rin, add to it that strong perfume most men loves so much.

Rin heard of it, it was an aphrodisiac, said to trigger men's desire, and she had hugged Obito with it.

Long red hair hair and big boobs, with good forms where it's needed.

Her lover? Her lover she had told Rin. Yes of course, With her Obito did it till the end. Nothing stopped him.

In the other side, Rin had looked soaking wet and pretty simple in her simple yet cute attire.

She remembered again how Asami told her, he gave her chocolate when she was sad.

'bastard. Is that your trick with woman.'

She hated him for it, she hated it so much.

Fed up with this, she looked toward Ei who busied herself preparing some stuff she would need when all this mission would be over.

"Ei, I told you I tried to contact a friend of mine, but couldn't find him to send him any message and I admit I am worried."

Ei looked at her.

"Do you perhaps know a certain Seto Akito?"

Ei nodded and Rin smiled, sitting in the bed. "I sent Chuu to send him my letters but he didn't find him in his former workplace, so, I asked Chuu to look somewhere else where he could be and he didn't find him either in any other place."

"Kaiji-sama is dead." Said Ei taking Rin by surprise.

"Oh, he died." She said surprised.

Ei nodded. "And his Castle was blown off."

Rin's eyes widened in shock. "What about Seto Akito, do you know what happened to him? Did he left the Castle by then? Was he still there?" Rin asked panicked rising to her feet.

Ei looked surprised at her concern, she seemed about to faint any moment, she felt bad for her.

"I don't believe Akito-sama died or so I was told."

"Is there a way to confirm it? If there is a way to find him somewhere, please tell me, I would do anything Ei. Anything." Said Rin, her face paling.

"It's alright." Ei said. "I believe I know where he is-"

"Is he fine?" Rin cut her uncharacteristically.

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