Chapter 77~ A Fight To The Death

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Uchiha Sasuke walked inside Takao Shrine, as though he owned it.

He skimmed around it then sighed, glaring back at Suigetsu.

"Suigetsu," he said, sounding almost severe, but in truth he was annoyed. "Did you perhaps mistook the Meeting  Place?"

"What? Me? Karin, that was your job to remember at least the Meeting place, you couldn't even get that right."

"What did you say, Suigetsu-teme?"

"Sasuke," Jugo started. "I heard what that man said, it's Takao Shrine where we were supposed to meet the client."

Sasuke took few steps back, raising his head to read the name of the shrine and it was indeed the rendezvous place, he then, sighed and got inside, followed by the other three.

"It's pretty clean in there." Said Suigetsu.

"The village people visit it to clean from time to time," Jugo said as a squirrel went up his arms. "Or so, that's what the animals told me."

"Tsh, are they late?" Asked Suigetsu.

"Hun, I told you to slow down, we're early." Said Karin.

"No we're not, you are really stupid Karin." Said Suigetsu.

They started an infinite argue which ended by Karin hitting Suigetsu.

Jugo looked at them and sighed, not a minute have passed since they arrived and those two were already complaining.

"Hey Sasuke, since they are late, we are gonna say that we arrived in time and they took 30 minutes to come." Said Suigetsu.

"Excuse me!" Said a soft —almost inaudible— voice right behind them.

Karin screamed and jumped back, startling everyone.

They couldn't help it, in a moment, a pale figure with dark black hair, wearing those kimono ghost princess wear when they come back to the living world in legends, her face empty and devoid of any sort of emotions.

Everyone was suddenly on guard, Sasuke was holding his katana but didn't stood up from where he sat on the floor.

Judging from their reaction, Ei bowed to them politely.

"Please forgive my sudden appearance, I tried to gather your attention since your arrival but you didn't notice me." She said, managing to somehow calm them down.

Suigetsu sighed, realising his plan to complain was ruined.

'What a weak aura.' Karin thought, registering her chakra signature, wondering as of why she didn't felt her before.

Well, Ei originally had a weak aura and lately it was weakened by the Chakra Eraser, making it almost imperceptible.

Sasuke sighed, of course they wouldn't hear her, those two didn't stopped yelling.

"I don't mind," he said, letting go of his katana and looked at her. "Are you Shiroarashi?"

Ei nodded, it was Akatsuki's surename during underground transition.

"I assume you have how to prove it." He said, and the other three took seat behind him.

Ei nodded and walked to him with an identity piece proving who she was, along as the request.

Jugo was looking at her when he notice Chuu at her shoulder and the Ball Creature waved to him and smiled, Jugo smiled as well.

Ei glanced at the strange and unusual Akatsuki members, despite his great resemblance with Itachi, this boy and his companions seemed weird.

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