Chapter 25~Living Together

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It had been three days since Rin woke up, she had already befriended almost all the staff members.

She concocted for herself a herbal treatment to heal faster once on her feet, making her feel better after only three days.

Her body regeneration had something to do with it too but, she made it look it was thanks to those tisanes.

And finally today, she proposed her help to Ookata-san(the old woman of last time) as a thank you for looking after her and by late afternoon they were finally done.

"Done." Rin sighed while sitting next to Ookata-san in the Japanese corridor that gave sight to the garden as they were having some teas and cookies.

"You are tired after only one day of work, you are still young to get tired so quickly." Said the old woman where Rin just chuckled awkwardly.

"So your lifetime crush didn't come today." Said the old woman.

"He is not my-" Rin started softly.

"I hope he is not cheating on you." Said Ookata-san.

"Hehehe." Rin faked a little laugh

'I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend too.'

'Tobi didn't visit me since the day we slept together, maybe I do really snore loudly, so I annoyed him.' Rin thought with a depressing aura.

"What are you dreaming about again?" Said Tobi while putting his hand on Rin head sitting beside her.

"Tobi!" Rin said, her eyes sparking with light and happiness.

She raised her hand toward him a moment, as she had missed his closure, she had wanted to hug him right away.

Obito was taken aback by her reaction and looked at her with longing eyes under his mask as he realised he missed her too.

Shyly, Rin placed her hand atop his and smiled genuinely a little blush decorating her perfect face, Obito glanced toward her warm beautiful hand softly.

"So, you're back, you should spend more time with your love." Said Ookata to our masked man.

Obito looked at the old lady, he started to find it very weird that each time she gave him a new relationship with Rin.

"I am gonna give you some privacy, you must have missed each other." Said the old woman.

"No, you don't have to." Said Rin being considerate, releasing Obito's hand, which annoyed him.

"Yes, please," Said Obito coldly.

Rin glared at him.

"What?" Asked Obito hoisting his shoulders.

"You should have been nicer to her."

"If you say so." He said. "So how do you feel?"

"If you have come you would have known." She said.

'Oh my God, what am I saying, why did I told him that? That's true I was disappointed he didn't come but not to tell him that, Did Ookata-san affect me when she said he was with an other girl, this is so stupid.'

Obito looked at her very surprised, did she wait for him? This woman really have the power to amaze him, only when he thought she had eyes only for Kakashi, how wouldn't he think that, she had chose to die by his hand, that couldn't be something else than real love.

"I am kidding," She corrected quickly waving her hand in front of her face. "I am fine, perfectly fine, look." She said standing and turning around herself facing him still standing.

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