Chapter 85~ Troubled Night

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Obito slid his shirt off his head and turned on the hot water, he decided to take a relaxing bath, hoping it will get him rid of his troubles.

Troubles he couldn't quiet ignore, when Rin left his room a moment ago, she had stopped in an empty corridor and her chakra was more and more uneven.

It was swirling in all side as though she was trapped in a genjutsu, but Obito could tell she was alone.

She was upset when she left his room but not like that, why didn't she reached for her room anyway?

He didn't want to talk to her, it would do no good for any of them.

But her Chakra was saying she was in pain and he had ignored it enough.

Annoyed, he closed the tap, sliding his shirt over his head, deciding to check on her even if at least to scold her to return to her room when he suddenly felt her chakra signature weakening.

In disbelief, he swirled there immediately, oblivious of the fact he was unmasked or barefooted.

The moment he landed there, Obito was horrified to find her sitting on the floor, head bowed down, he rushed to her side and crouched next to her.

"Rin." He called her name and was shocked to see her eyes wide open staring in the void, his heart almost skipped a beat when he found the now empty syringe in the floor.


Slowly, Rin felt a bit better, her vision cleared from the pitch dark place where she was.

Now she was in a room, laying down a comfortable bed and covered in a soft blanket, she looked to the side at the source of the light and atop the nightstand, she saw candlestick carrying one sole candle.

"You came back to yourself." Said Obito's voice from the side, walking to her while placing his mask.

She looked at him, but seemed to look past him, it throbbed painfully in his heart, but he ignored it, he just wished she would talk this time.

Earlier, she had gave him a real heart attack when he found her on the floor like that.

Immediately, he took her to the laboratory, looking in every corner for the antidote he was sure he had and angry that he didn't found it had to suck the poison out of her arm himself and spitting out the time he find it.

He knew that she won't die or if she did, she would come back, but Obito had swore to never let her die again, that's why he had killed those rotted germs himself to the last but...

He sat in the bed next to her, managing to keep his anger in check and his tone even, Rin wasn't fully awake yet, she still seemed dizzied.

"How do you feel?" Obito asked gently.

Rin looked at him and he hated to see how her kind gaze was replaced by that blank one, her eyes held little of her usual liveliness.

"Sleep again," he said patting her forehead with the back of his fingers.

Rin just looked at him silently, then she glanced around, it was not her room, it was his.

After what happened, Obito judged it would be wiser to keep her close for now.

He was dying to talk about it but felt that it was not the moment, actually no need to feel, she wasn't even answering him.

He of course used his Sharingan and read in her, how couldn't he, she was attacked here in the hideout while she was under his own protection.

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