The 5 stages of grief

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When Quinn heard the news of Noah Puckerman's death, her world stopped turning.

The words 'Puck's dead' echoed over and over again that they didn't even sound like real words anymore.

She went through the stages of grief.

She's didn't think it was true. She though that it was all a huge joke, that it was Santana trying to be funny. She even checked her calendar to make sure it wasn't April Fools day. This wasn't happening, this wasn't real. He isn't dead. Their story isn't over yet...It can't be over yet.

She looks for him at every corner. She calls him and leaves him dozens and dozens of voicemails and emails.

She was angry. Angry at everything. She was angry at the world for being so cruel that Puck had to join the airforce to fight for his county. She was angry at herself for being so cruel to him and constantly giving him the cold shoulder. She was angry at Puck for dying and most of all she was angry at Puck for making her love him.

She couldn't accept that he was gone. At the funeral she half expects him to show up and say that he pranked them. He obviously doesn't.

She can help but think how things could have been different. If they had kept Beth he would have never joined the airforce. If she would have answered one of the letters he wrote her he might not have died.

When she thinks about it long enough she lets her mind wander to their first ever meeting. It was on the football field during the first pep rally of freshmen year. He winked at her and somehow she knew that he would be important to her. But if they would have never met...maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be dead.

But it was her. She was the one that ruined him. She was the start of the problem. She slept with him, she ruined his friendship with Finn, she gave away his child, she treated him like dirt, he went to the airforce to impress her.

She is the reason he's dead.

She didn't leave the house. She ignored the world. She doesn't know how to live in a world without him, she doesn't want to live in a world without him. Nothing will be the same. She feels like an empty shell of who she used to be. He was her better half...and now he's gone.

It's takes a while for her to accept that he's actually gone. It takes a full year for her to really accept it. She stops expecting him to show up at her door, or on the street corner. She visits his grave a lot. Nearly everyday if she can. She talks to him a lot. Tells him about her day. She tells him about Beth.

When Puck died she reached
out to Shelby and got back in touch with Beth. Quinn shows the girl pictures of Puck and tells her stories. All she can see when she looks at Beth is Puck. At first it hurt and she could barely look at her daughter without tearing up, but every day it hurts less and less.

When she thinks about him now she remembers the happy memories. When they baked, when they lived together, when the saw Beth.

Although sometimes she'll catch a glimpse of a photo of him and she would shed a tear or two, but she also knows that he's yell at her for wasting time being sad. He'd tell her that life was too short to be sad and she shouldn't spend her life full of regret and missing him. So instead she looks at the picture and smiles, that's what he'd want her to do.

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