Don't go

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Quinn was packing her bags, she was moving in with Mercedes. She was trying to do it quickly before Puck returned home from football practise. The reason she was moving out was because she was scared she'd get to attached to Puck and the feelings she already had with develop and he'd leave her for some other hot, skinny, not pregnant girl.

'Going somewhere?' A voice asked, startling Quinn. The blonde stayed quiet and zipped up her suitcase. 'Q, what's going on?' Puck asked. Quinn walked straight past him. She continued walking before Puck lightly grabbed her arm.

'What's wrong?' He asked.

Quinn stopped moving. 'I thought you had football practice until 4.'

'Couch let us leave early.' Puck replied. 'Now cut the small talk and tell where you're going.'

'I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore.' Quinn said biting back tears.


'Because, I see the way your mom looks at me, she so disappointed in you and me. I need to get out of here. I feel like I'm trapped here.'

'Where do you plan to go?'

'To live with Mercedes.'

'Don't go.' He said turning the blonde around to look at him. 'We can work through this.'

'What about when some hot blonde comes into the picture and decide that you don't want any of this.' Quinn said protectively putting her hand over her stomach.

'That won't happen Q.'

'Please Puck.' Quinn said breaking down into tears.

Finally giving in to the blonde he took the suitcase to her car and helped her get in. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't be.' He said. 'Call me when you get there.' He said quickly kissing her forehead. She nodded and drove off.


Mercedes' family has welcomed her with open arms. Her mother asked how the baby was doing, to which Quinn politely replied 'fine.' Quinn asked to be excused do that she could rest as she has a hard day.

Mercedes showed the blonde to her room and left her alone to unpack. The room had nothing but a bed and a chest of draws and a desk. Quinn couldn't bring herself to unpack.

She layed on the bed a called Puck.

'Hi.' She said when he answered her phone.

'Hey.' He replied.

'I just wanted to let you know that I'm here.'

'Okay.' He simply said.

'I'll call you tommrow morning.' Quinn said.

'Okay.' Puck repeated. Quinn could hear the sadness in his voice.


'Night.' Puck said and throw his phone across the room. He could figure out why she left. He had spent months trying to prove himself worthy for her and then she just left, just like that.


It's 3am. Quinn has too much space in her bed, it's too cold. Normally she had Pucks warm body wrapped protectively around her. See tosses and turns around the bed for an hours before finally giving up.

Puck can't sleep, he misses holding Quinn close to his body as he sleeps. He misses her hogging the covers and kicking him at times. He gives up trying to sleep at 3 am and gets into his truck. He drives around Lima before he finally decides to drive to Mercedes' house. Don't ask him how he knows the address.

Quinn was sitting on the window seat in her room, looking out to the dark night. She couldn't believe she was saying this but she missed him more than she ever thought she would. She saw a bright light enter her line of vision. She looked down into the drive way and a truck, his truck. He saw him get out of the truck and look up at the window. Her phone started buzzing she ran over to her bed where her phone was laying and answered it.

'Hello?' She asked walking back to the window.

'I couldn't sleep.' He said looking up at her.

'Me neither.'

'Come down here.' He said. Quinn nodded and walked down stairs as quietly as possible and opened the door. She ran up to his and hugged him tightly not wanting to let go.

'I missed you.'

'I missed you.' He echoed. Quinn looked up at him and before she could say anything he cupped her face and kissed her sweetly. It was the first time they had kissed since the night the did it.

'Come back.'

'Okay.' Quinn nodded. 'Tomorrow.'

'I love you.'

Quinn was taken back by the boys remark but replied.

'I love you too.'

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