Protect me?

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When Puck returned from juvie he was met with Quinn making out with the blonde kid with the huge mouth at her locker. It felt like someone ripped his heart out. It's not like he expected a big romantic reunion with the blonde he was in love with but he didn't think she would have moved on so quickly. He acts like it doesn't hurt him. He walks with his head up high. The pair lock eyes and he shoots her a wink. Her breathing hitches and she stares at the floor.  He cant help but smirk.


In the locker room Sam and Finn we're talking but immediately stopped when Puck entered the room. 'Look Puckerman I'm really sor-'

'Shut the fuck up.' Puck dismisses. 'Just don't talk about your relationship around me and we'll be cool.'

'Okay.' Sam nods quickly.

Everyone left the locker room to begin practice but Puck pulled Sam back by the his shirt and pushed him up against the lockers. 'Don't fucking break her heart or you'll have me to answer to. Got it Lady lips?'

'Y-Yes.' He nods. He lets the blonde boy go despite how much he wanted to punch him.


'Your ex boyfriend spoke to me today.' Sam told the blonde as they walked to their next class.

She scoffed. 'Don't listen to him. He's a moron.'

'He's defiently not over you.' Sam says. The blonde smiles but quickly rolls her eyes to cover up the fact. 'He threatened me and told me that if I broke your heart I'd have him to answer to.'

'Well, our relationship isn't any of his business.'


The blonde couldn't get Puck off of her mind. He was always on her mind and it drove her crazy. She skipped her class because she knew that Puck had a free period. She walked around the school in an attempt to find him. She eventually does find him under the bleachers.

'Puckerman.' She calls out and watches as he turns around to face her.

'Hey babe.' He says with a smirk that drives her crazy.

'I don't need you coming back here and acting like my hero.'

'What are you talking about?'

'Sam said that you threatened him.'

'I didn't threaten him.' Puck denies. 'I told him not to break your heart.'

She scoffed. 'I'm a big girl. I don't need you doing that for me.'

'I know, I-'

'I don't need anything from anyone. Especially you.'

'Fine I'm sorry for trying to look out for you. Can't you see that he's using you? He's trying to be popular.'

'Shut up. You don't know anything. You've been back for all of two minuets and you think that you know everything.'

'I don't know everything.' He argues. 'But I know you, and I know that you're not into him. You're still into me.' He puts his hands on her waist as pulls her close to him. She pushes him away into the wall. For a moment he thinks that she's going to hit him but she doesn't. Instead she kisses him hard and passionately. He quickly kisses her back and his hands roamed her body. She pulls away and speaks again.

'Don't try to protect me. Don't talk about me, don't talk to me. Don't even look at me. Got it?' He nods. 'Good.' And with that she's walking away with her hands on her hips and a satisfied smirk playing on her lips.

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