Ill be home for Christmas

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Day 2 of 5 days of Quickmas

It was Christmas Eve, The glee club was holding a Christmas party at a hotel in Lima.

'Beth you look gorgeous.' Quinn's said when she finished tieing a red bow in Beth's hair to go along with her Red dress and shoes.

'So do you mama.' Beth replied kissing her mom on the cheek.

'You ready to go?' Quinn asked.

'Yes.' Beth said excitedly.


The pair drove to the hotel looking at the Christmas lights in awe. The bright lights made Quinn feel warm inside.

The pair were greeted by Finn and Rachel. 'How are you feeling?' Rachel asked.

'I'm amazing.' She lied.

'And under the mask?' She asked again.

'In devestated I wish he was here.' Quinn said.

'Uncle Finny.' Beth said running into Finns arms.

'Hey Drizzle.' Finn greeted the small blonde, he never quite grew out of the name.

'Finn I've told you a million times my name isn't Drizzle is Beth. B-E-T-H.' Beth said smugly.

'Wow I could spell my name until I was 7.' Finn said shocked.

'You're name is 50% N's.' Quinn pointed out.

'So what? I'm a slow learner.' Finn said defensively.

'That's true.' Rachel said kissing him on the cheek.

The group walked in the hotel hall and were greeted with the smell of Eggnog and Fresh baked cookies. There was a huge Christmas tree in the middle of the hall.

An hour later Beth was dancing with Will and standing on his toes the blonde snapped a picture and smiles making a mental note to send it to Puck.

'Hey girly, why aren't you dancing?' Mercedes said sitting down next to the blonde.

'It's been a long day.' She lied.

'Come on baby's Noah wouldn't want you sitting here moping. He want you to be having fun.' Mercedes said. It was true, Quinn had to trust that everything at the airforce would go smoothly and that he would be home for New Years.

'Fine.' Quinn said standing up. 'Let's dance.'

The band was playing loudly and mix of Christmas songs and Pop songs. The song All I want for Christmas was playing. Quinn was singing and dancing with all of her friends with her mind drifting to him.

The song came to a close and everyone applauded the band. 'This is dedicated to Quinn Fabray.' The lead singer announced.

Quinn looked around at everyone who was grinning. The band began to play the dog 'Ill be home for Christmas.'

Quinn looked around confused wondering what was going on.

She pulled Rachel closer to her and asked 'What the Hell is going on?'

'You'll see.' Rachel grinned.

Quinn was still looking at Rachel until Rachel pointed at the door. The blond blissfully turned around and saw him. He was standing there in his Air Force uniform, he smiled at her. Quinn walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

'I'll be home for Christmas.' He sweetly sang.

'Why didnt you tell me?' Quinn asked slapping him lightly.

'I wanted to surprise you.' He smiled.

'Well Im very surprised.' She said grinning.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.' She replied standing on her tip toes to kiss him.

'Hey, I want some love too.' Beth said tugging at Quinn's dress.

The two parents laughed and picked yo their daughter and both kissed her on each cheek.

The glee club went out of the hall to go outside to see the snow, the big Christmas tree in the middle in the park lit up. It was perfect.

'Quinn.' Puck said quietly. He knelt down on one knee. 'We have been through so much together and I know that you and I were meant to be and written in the stars. I want you to be in my life until the day I die.' Tear started to prick the corners on Quinn's eyes as she smiled. 'Quinn Fabray, Will you marry me?' He asked opening a box that revealed a diamond ring.

Quinn kissed Puck sweetly and he span her around. 'Is that a yes?'

'Yes, a millions times yes.'

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