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Puck was a player. That's the best word anyone could use to describe the mohawked boy. A player.

It irritated the blonde beyond belief. At home he was perfect. They'd be a real couple even if they weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend. But at school he had to flirt with every girl he happened past. She was walking down the hall with Artie and Mercedes when she noticed Puck flirting with Tina.

The blonde stopped in her tracks before storming towards them.

'This isn't going to be good.' Mercedes said Artie.

'Preach.' Artie replied.

'What is happening here?' Quinn yelled stepping between Puck and Tina. 'Flirting with one of my friends while I'm carrying your child. Real classy Puckerman.' A crowd soon formed. Puck tried to speak but the blonde cut him off. 'Or do you just have a thing for virgins?'

'I'll talk to you when you've calmed down.' Puck said calmly and walking away.

'Are you okay Tina?' Quinn said turning to the girl.

'He wasn't flirting with me.' Tina said. 'He was asking me what he could get your for Valentine's Day.'

'Girl you messed up.'

'I feel an apology coming on.'

'He didn't deny it. How was I supposed to know?' Quinn asked.

'You didn't exactly give him time to explain himself.' Mercedes said.

The blonde sighed, realising how bad she messed up. 'I'm gonna go find him and apologise.'


She found him on the bleachers. He was staring into space.

She held her breath, as she walked across the bleachers trying to be as quiet as possible. He kept his eyes focused on the field in front of him but he knew she was there.

'Did you come here to yell at me?'

'No.' She said, she sat down next to him. 'I came to apologise.'

'Go on then.' He said nudging her playfully yet carefully.

She rolled her eyes. 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.'

'One more time.' He teased. He was always so easy to forgive, he didn't like to hold grudges.

'Don't push it, Puckerman.'

'Alright, alright. You're forgiven.'

'I just didn't expect you to be thinking about Valentine's Day.'

'Well, now that you know what a great guy I am.' He put his arm around her and pulled her close.

'Your turn.' She said laughing.


'It's your turn to apologise to me.'

'For what?'

'Flirting with other girls.' She replied.

'Wait, are we exclusive?'

She rolled her eyes and playfully punched his shoulder. 'I'm sorry. It was only ever to make you jealous.'

'Yeah right.'

'I only have eyes for you.'

'Okay Puckerman-' He cut her off by kissing her. She put her hand on his cheek and kissed him back.

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