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'We're just friends.' She likes to tell him.

'How often do you get naked with your friends?' He returns. He watched her face as she smiled and tries to grab something to throw at him.

'We're just very good friends.' She settles for saying before she kisses him.


'You deserve better than Finn.' He says to her in between kisses.

'Like you?' She asked sitting up and fixing her bra.

'Yeah.' He replied with a cocky smirk.

'Yeah right.' She laughs. He isn't joking, but he laughs with her. 'Just shut up and kiss me.' She unclips her bra and kisses him again.


'Santana thinks that you're inlove with me.' Quinn says with a laugh.

This time Puck doesn't laugh with her. She looks at him and the smile falls from her face.

'Wait, you are aren't you?'

He shrugged. 'Yep.'

'I-I have to go.' She fumbles for her shirt but Puck quickly stands up and blocks the door.

'Why are you running away?'

'We agreed. If one of us develop feelings we stop this.'

'I was lying when I made that promise.' He said. 'I was inlove with you before we started this.'

'Puck, we can't.'

'Why not?'

'I have to go, I'll call you.'


She doesn't call him. He knew that she wouldn't. She's a terrible liar.

'You're avoiding me.' He catches up to her at her locker. At school she had to pretend like they were friends, otherwise Finn would get suspicious.

'Correct.' She bites back and turns to walk away. He doesn't let her.

'Fine, tell me that you don't love me and we can forget about this whole thing.'

She doesn't, she can't. She does love him.

'I'm pregnant.' She blurts out instead. 'It's Finns.'

He laughs. 'No it's not. I know for a fact that I'm the only person you've slept with.'


'You can't lie forever.'

'Watch me.' She says harshly. 'Goodbye Puck.'

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