Road trip

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He doesn't know why he offered to drive Quinn to New Haven. He told himself (and her) that it was because she helped he study for his geography test but he knew deep down it was because it could be the last time he sees her.

He arrived at the blondes house at 6am to prepare for the drive ahead. She texted Quinn to tell him he was outside to which she promptly opened the door and pulled out two suitcases and a handbag, the rest of her boxes were getting shipped to new haven.

'Sup blondie.' He said taking the suitcases from her and ushering them into his truck.

'Puckerman.' She said back and got into his truck. 'How many hours is this drive?'

'Eleven hours.' Puck answered.

'I could have just took a plane, or a bus.'

'Well you helped me graduate high school, it's the least I could do.' Puck replied.

'You're giving me way to much credit Puckerman. I helped you study and then completely distracted you for a good twenty minutes.' Quinn said, talking about the make out session which followed the kiss.

'Well I know that you hate flying because you're scared of heights and busses are too crowded and your claustrophobic.' He explained. Quinn smiled at how after all of the time they spent apart from each other on junior year, he still remembered every detail about her life.

'Let's get going.' Quinn said.


At the third hour of the drive the pair decided to stop to eat. They were in the middle of nowhere but managed to find a small diner on the side of the road.

The pair ordered and were waiting for their food. 'Do you remember when we lived together?' The blonde asked.

Of corse he remembered, he reminisced those times nearly everyday since she left. 'Yeah. I remember how I got ganged up on by three chicks.'

'We didn't gang up on you.'

'Please it was three against one.' Puck laughed. 'My ma and sister were in heaven.'

Everyday the two Puckerman women and Quinn would berate Puck on his more questionable decision throughout the years.

'Hey! Most of it was justifiable, you weren't the brightest light bulb.'

'Okay ms. I got pregnant at sixteen.' He teased.

'That was your fault, you forgot the condom.'

Puck scofed. 'Hey, don't blame me. 'Forget about it, I just want to feel you.'' He mocked.

'Shut up.' Quinn said with a smile.


Hour 6 of the drive was when the conversation took a turn for the worst. 'Do you hate me?' Quinn asked abruptly.

He was obviously taken aback by her question. He didn't hate her , he could never hate her. He was in love with her. 'No.' He said. Not knowing what else to say. 'I could never hate you.'

Puck caught a glimpse of the blonde out of the corner of his eye. She was crying. He automatically parked the truck on the side of the road. She refused to look him in the eye. 'I am a terrible person.'

'You're not.'

'I have hurt so many people.' Her voice was weak. 'You the most. I ruined your chances of being a father.'

'You know I don't blame you for that Q.'

'I ignored you in junior year and most of senior year. You are the best person I know and I'm-'

'Perfect.' Puck said. For the first time since she began to cry she looked him in the eye.

'How do yo always know what to say?'

'Its easy to say something when it's the truth.' He said. 'I meant every word.'

Quinn smiled and mouthed 'thank you.'

Puck started the engine again and began to drive hoping to get there before midnight. He drove with one hand on the wheel, and one hand in hand with Quinn.


They finally arrived after eleven merciless hours of driving. Puck helped the blonde take all of her stuff into her new apartment, only staying briefly because he needed to get go the motel he rented.

'I should get going.' He said.

'Okay, thanks for everything Puck. Call me when you get back to Lima.'

'Bye Q.' He went to turn to the door but Quin wrapped her arms around him. Desperately trying to remember his scent, the feeling of his hands around her.

'I'm gonna miss you.'

'I'll miss you too.'

He was gone a few seconds later. Quinn sat on her couch for a few seconds before standing up and reaching for her coat praying he wasn't gone. She ran down the stairs of her apartment as fast as she could. She opened the door and luckily he was still there. He was standing outside of his truck making she it was prepared for the drive ahead (he was also debating whether or not to go back to Quinns apartment and tell her that he loves her). He was about to get in the car when Quinns voice called out to him.

'Puck wait!' He turned around and walked towards the blonde. 'Don't go. I know this might sound crazy, o-or selfish, or like I'm living in the past but, I love you. I meant what I said when I helped you study. I love you and I'm not ready to let you go.'

'I have waited for you to say that for so long.' He said. The two of them were standing close to each other. 'I love you too.'

Quinn smiled and before she could stop herself she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

They both knew they couldn't stay away from each other.

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