Till death do us part

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Quinn was rushing around her apartment getting ready for her boyfriends return home. She hadn't seen him in over 6 months and everyday was torture. She missed his touch, the way he would flirt with her like they were sixteen again, the sound of his voice, and most importantly the way he loved her.

The doorbell rang and Quinn rushed to the door. It wasn't Puck, it was Santana and Rachel standing at the door together with tear stained faces. The blondes heart immediately sank and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

'Quinn.' Rachel sobbed out. 'It's Puck.'

Tears immediately filled the blondes eyes and knew that whatever the brunette said next would not be good.

'He's been in an accident, they're not sure if he's going to make it.' Santana said wiping a tear away from her eye. Part of Quinn was thankful that Santana always got straight to the point.

'W-What happened?'

'The Airforce. He was shot yesterday and they didn't want to tell anyone until they knew if he was going to live. They called his mom this morning who called me because she thought it would be easier coming from me.' Rachel revealed. After Finn had died it was the blonde who had informed Rachel of her soulmates passing, It was funny how things always came around full circle.

Quinn stood their stunned mentally planning how she was going to get to his army base in Georgia as soon as possible, she needed to be there for him because he was always there for her.

'I have to pack.' Quinn said lowly, speaking for the first time in what felt like forever. 'I need to see him, now.'


A two hour torturous train ride later, Quinn was in Georgia at the hospital preparing to see the love of her life. She swollowed hard before entering the room.

'I don't think I can do this.' The blonde said to the Latina.

'If Puckerman was going to wake up for anyone. It's you.'

The blonde took a few deep breaths and opened the door to his room. He looked normal other than his normally tanned skin was pale and the tubes running from his skin to machines. Her eyes then traveled to the gun shot wound. It was his chest. She inhaled a sharp breath.

'Hey baby, it's me.' She eventually said. The words came out croaky and she couldn't breathe. 'You're gonna be okay. I'm promise.' She waits for his response but it never comes. So she speaks again. 'You're going to get better and you and me are going to go home. For good this time. Just you and me.'


The blonde is staying in a hotel near the hotel. She visits the hospital everyday and stays there until they practically have to throw her out. It's been a week and there's no change. She tries to be optimistic but it's wearing thin.

'Ms Fabray. I'm glad to see you.' The doctor said approaching her.

'Hi. Is there any change?' The blonde asked, her voice dripping in optimism.

'That's what I want to talk to you about.' The doctor says sadly. 'Mr Puckerman is currently on life support and it's been a week and there's been no change and we don't think that Mr Puckerman is going to get better so-'

'Your going to turn off the machine.' She cuts him off.

'I'm sorry.'

Tear well in the blondes eyes and it isn't long before she's sobbing. 'C-Can I at least say goodbye?'

'Take as long as you need.'

The blonde walked into his room and took a hold of his hand. 'Come on, you need to wake up now Puck, you can't leave me here alone. I don't want to live in a world without you in it.' She prayed for him to squeeze her hand but it never happened. She finally allowed her self to fully break down. 'I love you forever Noah Puckerman.' She manages to choke out placing a kiss on his forehead. She takes a deep breath and heads out of the room. She leans against the wall and put her hand over her mouth to conceal the sobs.

Suddenly the machines from inside the rooms started beating loudly. The blonde wiped her eyes and ran to get a doctor. A group of nurses rushed into the room and ushered her away.

It felt like hours waiting. They wouldn't tell her anything. She's hoped that the machines beeping was a good sign.

'Ms Fabray.' The blonde stood up. 'Mr Puckerman is asking to see you.'

The blonde grinned and ran into the room and practically jumped the man. 'You scared me.'

'I'm sorry.' He said putting his hand on her cheek. She held it there and gave a watery smile.

'I thought I was going to lose you.'

'Till death do us part babe.' He smirked.

'We're not married.'

He slowly took the breathing mask off of his face. 'Marry me?'

The blonde grinned and kissed the boy.

'Is that a yes?'

'Of course I'll marry you.'

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