Love me

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'Get up.' Santana said walking into her apartment. Puck and Quinn had broken up over the weekend because of a stupid argument and Brittany insisted on letting Puck stay with them for a while.

'No!' Puck pouts putting a pillow over his face. He wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

'God you are such a chick. Can you get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself? It's pathetic.' She scoffed as she ripped the cover off of him.

'What's the point? If I don't have Quinn then I have nothing to live for.'

She rolled her eyes. 'Go back to your apartment and talk to her.'


'God you two are so stubborn. You're both heartbroken because you fought over something stupid.'

'You've seen her?' He asked sitting up.

'I just got back from her place. She's a lot better at pretending to be okay than you are. But she's still a mess.'

'She is?'

'Yes.' She nodded. 'Now get dressed, because we have that Halloween party go to.'

'I'm not going.'

'Yes. You are.'


He ends up going because Santana can be fucking scary when she needs to be. He's complains the whole taxi drive but they eventually get to the club. Everyone's there dressed up in lame costumes. Santana was bitch but there was no way she was going to get him to dress up.

He gets to the bar and orders a shot of whatever the strongest drink they have. He quickly downs it and asks for the same again.

The club is crowded but his eyes were well trained to find the blonde in a room. She was leaning against the wall. She looked worse than he did. She wasn't dressed up either.

He makes his way over go her because he knows that they're both stubborn as hell and if he doesn't make the first move they'll be arguing forever.

'Hey.' He says lowly.

She quickly looks up from the floor.

'Hi.' She says.

'I'm sorry.' They both say at the same time. The argument fades away when they look at each other. At this point they can't even remember what they were arguing about.

'Wanna get out of here?' Puck suggested.

'I thought you'd never ask.' She replies with a smile. She quickly presses a kiss to his lips.

'Love me?' He asks against her lips.

'Always.' She replies before taking his hand and leading him out of the club. They go home and they order pizza and watch horror movies.

They could never stay mad at each other for too long.

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