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The sound of their baby's cries filled the room and the second he saw that baby he knew, he wouldn't be able to let her go.

He knows that Quinn wants to give her up from adoption but he can't. She signs the paper and hands over her rights. She looks at him waiting for him to sign, he lifts up the pen but he can't bring himself to do it.

He takes baby Beth home that night.

Quinn made it abundantly clear that she wasn't the baby's mom. She was her mother but she could never be her mom. The baby was his, not hers, not theirs. His only.

Beth cries a lot. He tries everything. He gives her a bottle, he changes her, he even sings to her but she won't stop crying. He can't help but let his mind wander to what it would be like if Quinn was there. She come in the room and laugh at him and she'd take Beth into her arms and the crying would stop.

He wants to call her everyday but she made it clear that she doesn't want anything to do with him. His finger hovers over the call button but he doesn't have the balls to actually press it. He tosses his phone onto the bed and watches Beth sleep.

Summer drips by slowly and Beth gets stronger everyday. She smiles with her big green eyes, she can even sit up now. But everyday Beth gets more and more like Quinn. She looks exactly her and she laughs like her.

His loves his little girl but he can't help but feel his heart break every time he looks at her.

Summers over and it's time to go back to the school but he can't bare to even think about leaving Beth, so he doesn't. He tries to keep up with his assignments and Santana brings them over and she plays with Beth while he tries to get some work done. They make small talk about the latest glee club drama. Santana doesn't mention Quinn, Puck doesn't want her too. He doesn't need to hear about how great Quinn is doing without him or his (their) baby.

It doesn't take long for Puck to stop doing his school work and he eventually gives up and officially drops out.

It's Beth's six month anniversary. All he can think about is Quinn. He hasn't seen her in six months. He hates her, because he still loves her. He always will.

He's putting Beth in her crib, careful not to wake her up when there's a knock on the door. He makes his way to the front door and opens it. He feels the air being blown out of his lungs when he sees the blonde at the door.

'Can I see her?' She asks quietly. Her face is red and blotchy like she's been crying.  Her voice is soft and broken.

He wants to slam the door in her face, to scream at her telling her that is too late, but he doesn't. Seeing her makes him realise how much he misses her and how much he needs her.

'Please.' She says.

He swallows that ball that had formed in his throat. 'Y-yeah.'

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