Loved you all along

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Noah Puckerman walked into McKinley high school for first time 1 month, he was in Juvie because he drove his moms Volvo into an ATM and got caught.

He walked down the halls of McKinley ready to take over the school again when saw Quinn making out with Lady Lips by her locker, which was right next to his. He got to his locker and coughed.

The pair moved out the way and Quinn blushed and looked away from him.

'When did you get out?' Quinn asked.

'Yesterday, why? Did you miss me Q?' He smirked.

'Hey don't speak to her like that.' Sam said butting in.

'Don't worry Lady Lips. It was a joke right Quinn?' Puck replied and walked away from the two


'Wow, what I catch I can't believe I ever let you go.' Quinn mocked Ouck after he told the story of him in Juvie.

'You love me really.' Puck said back. Quinn wanted to reply but found no words came out.


Quinn and Sam were sitting on the bleachers during free period, Quinn was trying to study to catch up with all her work she missed last year from being pregnant.

'I don't want you too talk to him.' Sam stated.

'Excuse me?' Quinn asked looking up from her Spanish books.

'I don't want you too speak to Puckerman anymore.'

'What? We've been dating for like 2 weeks.' Quinn said. 'A lot happened between Puck and I before I even knew you existed.' Quinn picked up her bag and walked away.


Puck was wheeling Artie down the halls because he needed him for his community service.

'What'd you get sent to Juvie?' Artie asked.

'Shuesters already told the glee club wheels.' Puck stated.

'Yeah, but why'd you do it?' Artie said emphasising the word 'why'

Puck wheeled Artie into the glee club and sat in a chair opposite to him. 'If you tell anyone I'll put you back in the porta potty.' Puck threateren.

'Swear.' Artie said.

Puck took a deep breath and wondered why he hell he was telling Artie this. 'I was trying to get some cash to buy Quinn some neckless she wanted.'


'Because I was gonna buy it for her and then ask her out.'

'And then you got caught.' Artie stated.

'And now she's with Trouty mouth.' Puck stated looking down. 'Anyway, lets go.'


'Yeah, but why'd you do it.' Quinn heard as she walked past the choir room after her encounter with Sam.

She heard Puck threaten Artie not to tell anyone and got closer enough into the door to hear better.

'I was trying to get some cash to buy Quinn some neckless she wanted. Because I was going to buy it for her and then ask her out.' Puck said. 'Let's go.'

She quickly turned on her heels and walked away from the choir room as quickly as possible.


After school everyone is in the Choir room ready to start rehearsals for sectionals but half of the club wasn't there.

'Guys, where is everyone?' Mr Schue asked.

Everyone looked around at one another, as far as they knew everyone should have been there.

'I know!' Kurt said. Everyone turnt around to look at him. 'Sam told Santana that he was going to fight Puckerman by the dumpsters after school. Finn went to try and stop it and Brittany went to watch.' Kurt explained.

Mr Schue quickly grabbed his coat and headed outside. 'Stay here.' He told the club knowing they would all follow him anyway.

By the time the glee club had got to the dumpsters the fight had wound down and Sam was sitting in the floor with a bleeding lip and Puck was at the nurses office.

'What is wrong with you?' Quinn asked once everyone had left.

'I just wanted to-'

'Wanted to what? Prove that your better than him?' Quinn asked. 'Picking a fight with him, knowing that he might get sent back to Juvie.'
She began walking away from him.

'Where are you going?' He asked.

'To see if he's okay.' She said with out stopping.


Artie was sitting with Puck in the choir room, Puck was now sporting black eye. Quinn approached the room and took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

'Hi, Can I interrupted?' She asked leaning against the door frame. Artie nodded and wheeled out of the room.

'Hey.' Quinn said sitting down opposite the mohawked boy.

'What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be helping your boyfriend.' Puck asked.

'No.' She simply said. 'Your lips bleeding.'

'You should've seen what I gave him.' Puck smirked. Quinn got out a antiseptic wipe out of her bag and started to clean his wounds.

'You don't have to buy me expensive things by the way.' Quinn blurted out.

'I'm gonna kill Artie.' Puck said leaning back on his chair.

Quinn laughed before speaking 'I was walking past the choir room and I heard you.'

'I just, I know that you deserve better than what I could give you.' Puck admitted. 'But you deserve better than Sam, he's a dick.'

Quinn discreetly nodded and looked at Puck. 'You could've just asked me you know.' Quinn said. 'I would've said yes.'

Puck leant in to kiss the blonde before she quickly moved back.

'I can't, if we do this. This times there's no cheating and being 100 percent honest with eachother all the time.'

'All the time?' Puck smirked. Quinn lightly slapped his chest and smiled.

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