One more sleep

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Merry Christmas Eve ❤️. I'm not really a fan off this one shot but I thought I'd post it anyway
Day 4 of 5 days of Quickmas

I've got 5 more nights of sleeping on my own

'Come on B, it's bed time.'

'But I want to watch home alone again.' The six year old whined.

'Tommrow, I promise.'

'Fine.' The younger blonde said standing up and banging her feet with every step she took.

'What story should I read to you?' Quinn asked once Beth was under her duvet.

'I want a song.' Beth demanded.

'You know singing is more of your daddy's thing.'

'Yeah, but I like it when you sing mommy.' She argued.

Quinn sighed before taking a seat on the edge of the blondes bed. 'Ready?' Beth nodded and Quinn began to sing

Silent night, holy night
All is calm and all is bright
Round yon virgin, mother and child
Holy infant, so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace, ooh
Sleep, sleep in heaven, heavenly peace

The older blond sang by the end of the verse Beth was sound asleep. Quinn kissed her daughter of the forehead and quietly left the room.

Quinn walked into her room and frowned, it always get cold in her room at night, normally Noah was there to hold her but he wasn't here. Quinn got into bed and tried to sleep and think of Christmas Day.

4 more days until you're coming home

Quinn woke up the next morning with Beth showering her in kisses.

'And what did I do to deserve this?' Quinn asked sleepily.

'Nothing. Just in a good mood.' Beth replied with a smile.

'Come on Beth. Let's go get breakfast.' Quinn said ruffling Beth's curls.

The two blondes got dressed and decided to walk to the diner for breakfast, the snow fell from the sky leaving snowflakes all over the girls. The snow crunched with every step they took.

The bell rang as the two girls entered the diner, the pair sat in a booth and looked at the menu. They quickly ordered pancakes and waited for there food.

Beth sighed at looked down at the table. 'What's wrong B?' Quinn asked sympathetically.

'Nothing.' Beth replied coldly.

'Bethany.' Quinn warned. 'Something is wrong and I demand you to tell me.' She said trying to sound strict.

Beth mumbled something under her breath. 'B, I know something is bothering you, you need to tell me or I can't help you.'

Beth looked up at her mom and said 'I miss Dad.'

In that moment Quinn's heart broke into a million pieces and she felt guilty, because all this time he's been gone she's only thought about how hard this was on her and not Beth.

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