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'My car is is the shop. How do you expect me to get home?' Quin asked her boyfriend Finn.

'I'm sorry. I have glee club.' Finn said. The blonde rolled her eyes. 'I'll find you a ride.'

'Fine. Tell whoever you find to meet me outside the locker room.'

School has finished and Quinnis leaning up against the lockers outside of the locker room waiting for whoever Finn convinced to give her a ride. She prayed it wasn't Santana.

'Sup Fabray.' Puck said walking past her to the exit of the school.

'Puckerman.' She said to humour him.

'You coming?' He said turning around to face her continuing to walk backwards.
'I'm your ride princess.'

Seriously? She thought to herself. She would have preferred Santana. She rolled her eyes and followed him.

They walked into the parking lot in silence. Quinn and Puck were friends but they had never really hung out outside a group setting. Sure they'd talk when Finn was around but they have never been alone together. Puck openee the passenger side for Quinn before walking around the the driver side door and getting in.

He put the keys in the ignition and put his arm on the back on Quinn's seat to reverse the car, she held her breath at the sudden close proximity.

'What are you doing?' She said.

'Relax. I'm trying to get out of the parking spot not steal your virtue.' He teased. 'Why'd I have do drive you home?'

'My car broke down and it's in the shop and Finn had glee club so he couldnt take me home.' She explained. 'I hate that damn club.'

'So does the whole damn school.' Puck replied.

'Why did you agree to take me home?'

Real answer... He's had a crush on Quinn since freshmen year and he wanted to see what she was like outside of the group setting. The answer he gave. 'Finn said it was either me or Santana and I figured if you and Santana are alone together you'd kill each other.'

'Right.' She says even though she doesn't really believe him.


The next time they're in the car together is another day after school, except her car is fixed, she just decided to walk. Finn was also available to drive her but she told him that Santana was taking her home. It was a blantant lie but he was too busy thinking about Rachel to notice.

'Do you think Rachel is prettier than me?' She blurts out, quickly regretting the words.

'Hell no.' He replied his face slightly screwing up with disgust. She smiled shyly. 'You're like the best looking girl I've ever seen.'

'Prettier than Santana?' She asked, seeing how far she could push him.

Without missing a single beat he replied. 'Definitely.'

He parked up outside her house and Quinn stepped out of the truck but walked round to the sides door. 'My parents are on a cruise.'

That night she invited him in. Let him in her room when even Finn wasn't allowed in there. She let him kiss her but she pulled him closer.

That is the night that changes everything.


The third time, they've just finished babysitting ginger devil spawns. They're parked outside of Finns house which would be risky if he wasn't making out with Berry at her house.

'I'm really sorry about this whole thing.' Puck said randomly.

'Sorry for what?'

'Knocking you up.' He replied.

'It took the two of us, we were both stupid.' She said. 'But I'm sorry too.'


'Lying about everything. I want to tell Finn but I don't want to ruin your friendship with him.'

'It's too late for that. He hasn't spoke to me since the bake sale.'


'I might have told me that he doesn't deserve you and that he's a punk.' He said. 'And then maybe we fought.'

'Puck!' She exclaimed.

'I'm sorry I just-'

'I get it.' She said. 'I can't imagine how this makes you feel. I'm going to tell him eventually. I promise.'


The fourth time and then several times after that is on the way to and from school since they now live together. They're together now, well kind off. Quinn would kiss him when her baby hormones got the better of her and Puck let her. '

'What do you tell people?' She asks.


'Us. This whole situation.'

'Nobody asks.' He shrugs.

She rolls her eyes. 'What? Everyone asks me.'

'I guess people are scared to ask me.'

'People used to be scared off me.'

'I'm still scared if you.' He said. 'All the people at school see you for a couple minutes a day but I live with you and you are fucking scary.'

She doesn't know why but that makes her smile.

He looked at her. 'If you need me to beat anyone up I will.'

She rolled her eyes at his offer. 'No. Thank you.' Although she did keep his offer at the back of her mind.


The last time they are ever in the car together is on the way back from the hospital. It's deafingly quiet. The tention increasing every second they're alone together.

'Do you hate me?' She said not looking up from the small piece of blanket she been fiddling with ever since the nurse let her keep it. It was the blanket they used to wrap their baby in. She gave half of it to him.

'No.' He said gripping the stering wheel. He didn't hate her and he could never. He knew deep down that they couldn't rise a baby.

'Did you mean it? She asked. He looks at her and the sight of her tear stained, red face makes his heart break. 'When you said that you loved me?'

'Yes.' It was simple but enough. She put her hand on the one that he had resting on the arm chair. It remained like that for the rest of the car ride.

They didn't have another car ride until senior year. Shortly after they gave up their daughter she broke thing off because it hurt to much. They had both suffered multiple heart breaks that week.

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