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It was going to be awkward. They both knew it. She was bringing her new boyfriend to the bar that he worked at. Damn Santana for convincing her to come.

It was 11:55 when Quinn walked into the bar, her eyes immediately found him in the crowded room, her eyes were well trained to be able to scan a room for him.

She walked over to the bar hand in hand with Biff. He wasn't interested in her life in Lima. He was barley interested in her at all.

'Puck.' She said. He turned around and smiled at her, it quickly faded when he saw her linking fingers with some guy. 'This is my boyfriend Biff.'

'It's nice to meet you.' Puck said shaking the mans hand.

It was two  minuets to midnight when Biff got a business call. Quinn knew that he would be gone for at least 10 minutes.

'He seems nice.' Puck said, obviously lying.

'He's a dick.' She replied instantly.

A smile came onto his face. 'I miss you.'

'I miss you too.' She replied leaning onto the bar.

'Ten seconds.' Someone called out.


'We should get back together, ditch Mr Ivy League.'



'You such are such an asshole.' Quinn smiled.



'And your a bitch, were a match made in heaven.'


He leant against the bar.


They were close now.


Mere inches away.


She kissed him.


He kissed back.

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