Home (Quick)

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The bus ride home after sectionals was awkward for Quinn Fabray, she sat at the back of the bus in silence since the whole glee club found out that Puck was the father of her baby, thanks to the Hobbit. No one was speaking to her, sure Mercedes and Kurt had tried to strike up a conversation with the ex cheerleader but it was hard coming up with a conversation that didn't include the baby, Finn or Puck.

Quinn was staring out of the window when her phone buzzed in her pocket. She glanced at the phone reading the message, it was from Puck.

Want some company?

she looked a few seats infront of her where Puck was siitng with Mike and Matt speaking about god knows what. She caught Pucks eye and nodded. The Mohawked boy jumped over Mike and walked to the back of the bus sitting next to blonde.

'Hi.' Quinn whispered

'Hey.' Puck whispered back.

The pair sat in silence for a few minetes, the silence was comfortable they both just enjoyed being in eachothers company. Puck finally spoke.

'Where are you staying?' Puck asked, knowing that Finn let Quinn stay at his place last night but told her to find a new place by today.

'I'm gonna stay at a motel for a few days.' Quinn answered lowly.

'Look I know that you said you want to do this on your own and I respect that, I do but.' He paused trying to figure out how her was gong to say this. 'Come stay with me, my mom has agreed she wants you too.'

'Puck.' She whispered. 'I don't think that's a good idea.'

'Please Q.' He begged looking her in the eyes. 'I couldn't live with myself knowing that you and our baby and seeping in a sleezy motel.'

Quinn knew living with Puck woud be beter for her and their baby but she didn't want to invade his family.

'Are you sure your mom is okay with this?' quinn asked

'Yes.' Puck replied. 'Is that a yes?'

Quinn nodded as a reply and smiled.


The pair got off the bus and headed to the parking lot.

'Where's all your stuff?'

'It's um-in the back of my car' Quinn replied.

Quinn got into her car and followed Pucks Truck to his house. Her stomach was whirling she felt like she was going to be sick, she was so nervous to meet Pucks mother and Younger sister. She pulled up to the Puckerman household and Puck helped her out her car.

'Does your mom know that were not dating?'

'Yes Q.' he replied.

He opened the door and Quinn stepped inside. Puck lead her into the kitchen where his mother was cooking dinner.

'Mom this is Quinn.' Puck said.

His mother walked towards Quinn and pulled her into a warm hug. 'It's so nice to meet you.' she said.

'its nice to meet you too.' Quinn said smiling.

'You have such a gorgeous pregnancy glow.' His mother said.

'Thank you for letting me stay here Ms. Puckerman.' Quinn said.

'Oh please call me Ruth.' Ruth said smiling. Quinn nodded.


A few hours later Quinn was unpacking her clothes in Pucks room, she felt oddly at home in Pucks house. Quinn felt a lot more comfortable here than se did at Finn's house.

'Hey, My little sister just got back from soccer practise and she wants to meet you, but if your too tired then I'll tell her to wait until the morning.' puck said leaning against the door.

'No its fine.' Quinn replied.

Pucks eight year old sister came running into the room and gave Quinn a hug. 'Hi.' she said.

'Are you going to stay here for a while.' Sara asked.

'I am.' Quinn said smiling.

'Good because I've always wanted an older sister.' Sara aid excitedly .

'I've always wanted a younger sister.' Quinn replied.


Around 9pm Quinn and Puck were watching a chick flick on the Tv that Quinn chose and Puck refused to watch it but now he is paying more attention to it than Quinn. Quinn was getting really tired and wanted to get changed out of the sectionals dress she was still wearing. The blonde got up and got her sleepwear and skin products and quickly realized that she doesn't actually know where the bathroom is

'Puck where's the bathroom.' Quinn asked.

'You do realized that I have seen you naked before.' Puck said smirking,

Quinn raised an eyebrow at him. 'Funny, where is it?'

'Down the hall on your right.'

Quinn took all of her makeup off and put on sweat pants and a white t shirt. She wasn't showing much now because she only a few months along but you could tell she was pregnant. She walked back to Pucks room. Puck stared at her for a split second before turning his attention back to the TV, just when Puck thought that Quinn Fabray couldn't be more perfect than she normally is, she looked beautiful with no makeup and pajamas.

The movie finished and Quinn got under the blanket on Pucks bed. just as she was about to fall asleep Puck got out of bed and walked to the door. 'Where are you going?' Quinn asked sleepily.

'I was gonna on crash on the couch.' he replied.

'Noah I'm staying at your house I don't want to kick you out of your room.' Quinn said.

'I think thats the first time you've ever called me Noah.' Puck stated.

'Sorry.' Quinn said looking at her hands.

'Don't be, I like it when you say it.' Puck said smiling causing Quinn to smile. Puck only let his mother and sister call him Noah and Berry just did it anyway.

Puck took his shirt and trousers off leaning his in just his boxers. Quinn had forgotten how ripped Puck was and how much she loved his muscles. Puck got into the bed and without thinking Quinn layed on Pucks chest and he put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

'We're going to be alright Q.'

'I know.' Quinn replied. she wasn't lying she generally thought that she and Puck would be able to get through the pregnancy and maybe even keep their baby girl.

'Goodnight Quinn.'

'Goodnight Noah.'

'Goodnight Babygirl.' The parent said to their unborn daughter.

It's safe to say they both went to sleep with smiles on their faces that night.

It's safe to say they both went to sleep with smiles on their faces that night

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