I'll be home for Christmas

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She hasn't seen Puck since they got back together. They had spent two weeks together after their reunion at the 100th glee lesson but Quinn had to get back to school and Puck had to go back to base.

They stayed in touch. They wrote letters to each other once a week. They'd tell eachother about their weeks, about how much they missed the other and how much they loved eachother.

The holidays were approaching. It was Quinn's favourite time of year but this year she felt empty, like she was missing something. She was missing him.

She had received a letter a week before Christmas from Puck, telling her that he wouldn't be able to come home for Christmas but he was going to try come to see her early in the new year. She cried when she got that letter. She really missed him.

Ruth Puckerman invited her back to Lima for the holidays, since Puck wasn't there and they both didn't want to be alone.

'Hey Quinn! You look great.' Ruth said to the blonde as she opened the door.

Quinn smiled and hugged the woman. 'Thank you.'

'You're staying in Noah's room.'

Quinn inhaled a sharp breath when she heard his name. Ruth clearly noticed this. 'You miss him, don't you?'

She nodded as she felt a familiar sensation of tears welling in her eyes. 'Everyday.'

'He'll be home before you know it.' Ruth smiled sadly. 'And he'll annoy you so much that you'll be beginning him to go back to base.'

Quinn smiled. 'Everything will be okay.' She said to herself.

'Listen Q. I have to go and get Sara from Gymnastics, but the two of us can catch up later, okay?'

'Okay.' She nodded. 'I'm gonna go put my stuff upstairs.'

Quinn went upstairs as Ruth left the house. The blonde opened the door to Puck's bedroom and inhaled a sharp breath at what she saw.

'Miss me?'

She blinked a few times to make sure that what she was seeing was correct. It was. There he was. Standing in his childhood bedroom in his airforce uniform.

Her bags dropped to the floor and she ran towards him with an excited squeal. She jumped into his arms, he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso. He put her down and kissed her forehead.

'Am I dreaming?' Quinn asked with a grin. He didn't say anything, instead he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her passionately.

'You are definitely not dreaming.' He smirked.

She smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away. 'I have missed you so much.'

'I've missed you too.'

'You told me that you were stationed?'

He laughed. 'I lied. I wanted to surprise you.'

'I'm definitely surprised.'

'Merry Christmas Q.'

'Merry Christmas Noah.'

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