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Noah Puckerman thought school was for suckers, that it didn't matter. That was until he failed geography. He was a loser, a Lima loser, just like she said.

He walked out of school on that dreadful day and wanted to drown his sorrows in booze, he was never going to escape this god forsaken town. He saw her sitting on the ground leaning against the school building smoking a cigarette.

'Sup Skank.' He said and sat down next to her.

'Shouldn't you be screwing some chick right about now?' She replied moving her pink locks out of her face.

'Nope.' He said lowly. 'I failed my geography test. I'm gonna be a Lima loser for the rest of my life.' He explained while taking out a flask and taking a huge swig.

'When did we get so broken?' Quinn asked.

'Maybe we were never whole.' He replied shrugging and offered her the flask. She took and swig and swallowed the alcohol with burned her throats as it went down.

'You not a Lima loser.' Quinn said after a while of silence.

'You're the one that sa-'

'I was upset and angry and I wanted to get at you. I told you before. You're not a Lima Loser, you're special and romantic.' She said with a small smile.

'What about you? What happened to you?' Puck asked referring to her new look. 'I mean don't get me wrong it's hot but it not you.'

'I don't know.' She replied truthfully. ''I'm never good enough for anyone. Finn, my dad, even that stupid club, they always stuck me in the background.'

'That's not true.' Puck began. 'You're the Quinn Fabray. People used to part at like the Red Sea when they saw you coming, but then i knocked you up and now look at us.'

'I've told you, I don't regret that. Best mistake I've ever made.'

The two shared a smile.

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