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Quinn rolls her eyes as she sees Puck standing at her locker once again. It's the fifth time this week. Ever since they slept together he hasn't stopped bugging her. It doesn't help that she's finding it increasingly hard to ignore her urges.

But she has Finn to think about. When she slept with Puck they were having an off stage but they're back on again and everything's perfect. Except for the fact that she slept with his best friend.

She needs to get books for chemistry class but she can't go near him. She'll just borrow Brittany's books. It's not like she uses them anyway.


There's a party at Santana's house. Quinn wouldn't have went if her so called 'best friend' wasn't hosting. Santana and Quinn's friendship was rocky. They were only really friends because they're the most popular girls in school and they come from the same end of the 'bitch-goddess spectrum'. Their friendship was made even rockier when Santana told her that she was dating Puck. They broke up days later but they were still very much 'involved'.

She sees Puck at the party, surrounded by the freshmen Cheerios. Every girl in school wants Puck. Even her but she'll never admit that. Not to herself and definitely not to him.

She can't bare to watch it anymore so she heads outside. She's the only one out there and she feels like she can breathe again.

'Sup blondie.' She doesn't need to turn around to know that it's Puck, but she does anyway.

'Stalker much?' She asked sarcastically.

'Why are out here by yourself?' He asks taking a step towards her.

'I don't know where Finn is. I've been calling him but he hasn't answered.'

'I wouldn't count on him answering.' He says. 'Don't you think it's kind of weird. He joins the geek club and suddenly you don't know where he is.'

'What are you-'

'He's cheating on you with that Berry chick.'

'He wouldn't do that-'

'Why not?' Puck asked. 'You did it to him.'

She bites her lip and attempts to change the conversation. 'Finn loves me. He wouldn't cheat on me. Especially not with that freak.'

'How about this? If he calls back, I'll leave you alone. If he doesn't you spend the night with me.'

'I will not!' She exclaimed.

'Let's just see if lover boy calls.' He says and turns around to go back inside to the party.


Quinn stays outside, sitting by the pool, constantly checking her phone, waiting for Finn to call. That call doesn't come.

'Just accept it Q, you and Hudson are over.' Puck says sitting next to her.

'You sound like a jealous boyfriend.'

He stifles a laugh. 'You wish.'

'No, you wish.' Quinn argues looking at him. 'You've been following me around, trying to get me alone. If I didn't know any better. I'd think that you liked me.'

He scoffs arrogantly. It's an act and they both know it. 'You forget who your talking too. I don't do feelings.'

'So The following me around is what? Just for kicks.' Quinn asked sarcastically. 'If you just wanted sex there's a dozen girls in there that will drop their panties in a second.'

He rolls his eyes. 'Shut up.' He laughs it off trying to play it cool.

'So, do you like me?' She asks slowly, afraid to hear his answer.

'Define like.' He replies.

'Oh my god! I do not believe this.' She was only kidding. After all this is Puck. Noah Puckerman, self proclaimed sex shark. He doesn't do feelings.

'How do you think I feel Q? I haven't slept, I can't think about anything else. And there's always a fluttering in my stomach.'

'Butterflies?' She asked slowly. He shrugs. 'No, this can not be happening. Listen Puck. You know that I adore all of Gods creatures and the metaphors that they inspire. But those butterflies. Have got to be murdered.'


'You can't-We can't have feeling for each other. I love Finn.'

'No you don't.'

'I care about him and I can't hurt him and if he ever finds out about this. He'll hate you too and I know that it will kill you if he hates you.'


'We can't speak about this ever again, okay?' She cuts him off. 'Whatever these feelings are. They will go away soon.'

The feelings don't go away. They got stronger and harder to hide. Soon she can't hide at all as she holds a positive pregnancy test in hand.

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