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She found out about Puck enrolling in the airforce from Mercedes. The blonde was shocked to say the least. The last she heard of him was that he was screenwriting. She knew that Puck took Finn's death hard. They all did. That's why Quinn didn't return for the glee club memorial, after the funeral it hurt to much.

He was having a go away party and everyone was going. She had the time off from Yale so she had to go...after all it could be the last time that she'd see him.

The party was being held at his mothers house. She arrived with Mercedes, Pucks little sister Sara opened the door. She was twelve now. 'Quinn!' She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around the blonde.

'Hey S.'

'Noah is going to be so glad to see you!' The smaller girl said.

'I bet he is.' Mercedes teased.

The majority of the club were in the Puckerman's backyard. It was weird without Finn.

Puck was standing next to Sam drinking a beer when the blonde boy nodding his head in Quinn's direction telling him to look her way. Puck turned around and saw her, looking as beautiful as usual. It had been three months since he'd last seen her.

'Go talk to her.' Sam Urged.

Puck walked over to the two girls.

'Congrats Puckerman. Don't die.' Mercedes said.

'I'll try.' Puck replied. Mercedes left the pair to speak with Sam. Leaving the two alone.

'Since when did you want to be in the airforce? What happened to you dreams of being a screenwriter?'

'Didn't exactly work out.'

'You could have done it.' The blonde said. 'Where are you stationed?'

'Georgia.' He replied. 'There's was nothing keeping me here anymore. Jake doesn't need me, Beth's gone, Finn's're-' He trailed off.

'You miss me?' She was genuinely shocked.

'You were my whole life for a long time.'

'You were mine too.' She agreed.


The party came to a close and Quinn and Puck had practically spent the night attached at the hip. Everyone was gone leaving The blonde alone with Puck, helping him clean up the garden.

'You can go.' He said.

'I have nothing better to do.' The blonde teased. The truth was she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. She put the trash bag down and wandered over to him. 'You have to promise me something.'

'What?' He asked.

'You have to promise that you'll write to me.' She said.' That is if you know how to.'

'I do know how to.' He confined with a laugh. 'What about wanting to forget high school?'

'You're not just someone from high school. You're you.'

'I'll send you my address.' Puck said with a smile. He turned around. She didn't know what went through her head but she held his hand to make him face her and kissed him.

'What was that for?' He asked once they pulled away.

'I'm not sure.' She said lowly. He kissed her once more. 'What was that for?'

'I just wanted to.' He smiled.


Quinn woke up that morning feeling sick. Puck drove her back to her childhood home and kissed her goodnight. She wanted to be with him but he was leaving for good. She quickly got dressed and made her way to the airport.
The airport was crowded and she was completely lost. She had no clue where to even start. Georgia. She looked up at the flight times, his flight was leaving in ten minuets at gate 7. She made her way through the airport as quickly as possible. She had to see him again. He just had too.

She saw him with his mother and sister. He was about to board the plane. 'Puck!' She called out. 'Puck wait.'

He turned around and dropped his bag on the floor watching as the blonde practically ran into his arms. He lifted her off the ground in the hug.

'What are you doing here?' He asked once they came out of the embrace.

'I had to say goodbye.' Tears filling her eyes.

'I'm going to come back.' He said lifting her chin to make her look at him.

'How do you know that?'

He sighed, truth was he didn't know. 'Because I'll have you too come back too.' He replied wiping a tear.

'Promise?' She head putting her pinky out.

'I'm promise.' He said taking her hand and pulling her close to him.

'Puck your flight leaves in three minuets.' His mother called out.

'I-I have to go.' He said sadly.

'We have really bad timing Puckerman.' She said trying to make light of the situation. 'I'll wait for you.'

'I love you.' He blurted out.

'I love you too.' She smiled. He needed to get on that plane within the next thirty seconds or he'd miss it. 'Wait, one last thing.'


'Kiss me Noah Puckerman.'

He smiled and kissed her with every ounce of passion and love he possibly could, she returned it. The two pulled away from the kiss breathless and rested their forehead against one another's.

He couldn't say anything else. Neither could she. It hurt way too much. So he kissed her forehead and walked away, he grabbed his bag and walked through the gate. Never looking back because he wouldn't be able to leave.

Tears filled the blondes eyes and she watched him leave.


A week later...

She's back in New Haven. Puck hasn't left her mind, he's the first thing she thinks about when she wakes and the last when she goes to sleep. Her dreams are filled with thoughts of him too.

'Quinn, you got a letter.' Her roommate called out. The blonde jumped up and grabbed the letter tearing it open. It was from Puck.

Everything was going to be okay.

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