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The graduation party was in full swing. Everyone was partying and celebrating, everyone other than Puck. He was dreading what he was about to do but he needed to do it, for her.

'Quinn. I need to talk to you.' Puck said taking the girl away from Santana.

'What's up?'

'Can we go to the bleachers?'

The two walked in silence, they stood under the bleachers where they first met in freshmen year. 'I really don't want to do this.'

'You're scaring me.' Quinn said.

'This is the last thing I want to do but I need to do it, because its what best for you.' He began. 'You don't want to be with me. You don't want to have a Lima loser for a boyfriend. I don't want you to be that girl at college that doesn't have any fun because they have a boyfriend.'

'W-What are you trying to say?'

'I think we should break up so you can have a fresh start at Yale and not have your past in Lima hold you back.'

'I thought you loved me.' Quinn said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

'I do.' He said lowly. 'That's why I am doing this. You deserve someone who can give you the life you deserve.'

'I don't want some Ivy League Douch bag, I want you. I love you.' Quinn said grabbing Pucks hand. 'Don't do this.'

'I love you Quinn. I always will and maybe someday after you graduate we will find our way back to each other.'


'I love you too much to watch you drown here.' He said a kissed her lightly, the blonde cupped his face with her hands knowing that it may very well be their last ever kiss and she wanted to savour it.

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