Lonely hearts

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They have sex for the second time in senior year. The two lonely hearts found each other again and they both knew it would only end in one way. He goes away to the airforce and they don't keep in touch. They're back to being strangers again.

Shes pregnant from that night. She doesn't know how to tell him. She can't just send him a letter saying

'Surprise the universe fucking hates us and I'm pregnant...again'

So she doesn't tell him. She doesn't exactly want the baby. It's not in her plan. So she ignores her baby growing inside her.

She finds out that it's a girl. Another beautiful baby girl. It makes it all feel a little more real. She can't help but feel excited to have a second chance.

They see eachother again at Brittany and Santana's wedding. They don't say a word to eachother. When Kurt asks her why she isn't drinking she makes up a lie about having tonsillitis and being on antibiotics so she couldn't mix them with alcohol. She can't help but feel Puck's eyes burn into her as she lies.

She's sitting in a lecture a few weeks later. Everything was fine until a large pain shot through her abdominal. She excused herself to use the bathroom and that's when she sees the blood. She knows what this means. She sobs by herself in the bathroom stall as she waits for the ambulance to arrive. She can't help but wish that he was next to her, telling her that everything was going to okay.

She looses the baby. The doctors say that she did nothing wrong and that it 'happens sometimes.' Why did it have to happen to her? Why was the universe against her?

She ignores the world for weeks. She stays in bed and cries, thinking about what she could have had.

It's Santana who makes her get her ass out of bed. She says that there's a glee reunion. The blonde doesn't want to go but the Latina makes her. So she puts on her dress and a fake smile and pretends to okay. No one notices. She had gotten really good at pretending.

She feels like she's suffocating. So she goes outside and sits on the curb. She closes her eyes and focuses on her breathing and trying to keep her tears locked away. She doesn't even noticed someone sit next to her. She knows its him but she doesn't dare look at him. She knows if she does she'll break. It quiet for a long time. Neither of them know what to say.

'I was pregnant.' She finally says but doesn't look at him.

'I know I was there.' He smirks with a laugh.

'No.' She says sadly. 'This year.' He doesn't speak. 'I had a miscarriage.'


'Just hurry up and yell at me and get this over with-'

'What? Why would I yell at you?' He asks softly.

'Because I was meant to take care of our baby and I couldn't even do that.'

'Hey.' He says softly as he puts his hand on her cheek to gently turn her head to look at him. 'It's not your fault.'

'I feels like it is.'

'It's not.' He says. 'I just wish you told me.'

'I'm sorry.'

He pulls her close and places a soft kiss on her head, they stayed in complete, comforting silence as they watched the sun come up.

The two lonely hearts found eachother once more

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