Panic Attack

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Noah Puckerman has had panic attacks ever since he can remember. He had never told anyone about this. He likes to be viewed as Strong and badass, not weak and vulnerable.

His mom thinks that they stem from his dad. His dad was abusive to both him and his mom and left him scarred both mentally and physically. He was diagnosed with panic disorder when he was fourteen and was prescribed  meds but he rarely actually took them. He didn't want to feel like a freak.

'Did you take your pill?' His mom called out before he left for school. Like she did everyday.

'Yes.' He lied. Like he did everyday.

He felt fine all day. He was being his normal arrogant self but a locker slammed shut and something triggered in his mind. Suddenly he couldn't breath and he felt like the walls were closing in on him and his vision was blurry.

Quinn was standing with Sam at her locker when she saw Puck. He looked pale and he was starting to freak out. She knew what was happening. His mom told her about the panic attacks when they lived together. Puck had locked himself in the bathroom and would let her in, so his mother explained.

'Puck.' She said softly walking over to him. She took his hand and spoke. 'It's me Quinn. I think you're having panic attack.' She saw people start to stare and pulled the boy in the choir room and made him sit on the floor near the door.

'Think about good things like Beth and your mom and your sister.' She said never letting go of his hand. He was hyperventilating and sweating. His avoided her eyes. 'Puck l-look at me.' She lifted his chin up to make eye contact. 'You're safe. It's just you and me.'

She was scared for him and just wanted to help. She put her hand on his cheeks and pressed their lips together. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but once she pulled away his breathing was normal.

'Why did you do that?' He asked.

'When you had a panic attack when I lived with you. I did some research and I saw that sometimes holding your breath can stop panic attacks.' She explained. 'And when I kissed you, you held your breath.'

'Thank you.' He said softly.

She smiled. 'You're welcome.' She moved from sitting infront of him to sitting next to him and looked at him. 'Have you been taking your meds?'

'No.' He couldn't lie to her.

'Noah...' She trailed off.

'You haven't called me that in a long time.' He said softly.

She smiled shyly. 'I care about you Noah, and it kills me to see you hurting.'

'I'll start taking it again.' He promised.

'I know that we're not as close as we were before but I still care about you and I'm always here if you need me.'

'I know.' He nodded. 'I'm always here if you need me too.'

She smiled and leant her head on his shoulder. They didn't want this moment to end just yet.

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