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They're not on speaking terms they haven't been since the birth of their baby. The last thing the blonde said to him was that she needed time for herself and that she needed to find herself. He respected that because he'd wait forever to be with her.

He knows that she's still paying up the hospital bill, and he's responsible for the baby too, so every two weeks he put cheques into her mailbox or he slips them into her locker. She never cashes them up.

He watches her one day as she opens her locker and one of the cheques fall out. She picks up and puts in back into her locker with the rest. She doesn't want his money. He gets angry when he sees this.  Why won't she just let him help her?'

So he walks over to her. 'Why won't you take the money?'

'I don't want your money.' She bites. 'I don't want anything from you.'

'What the hell did I do for you hate me so much?' He's yelling now, it makes the people around them stare. The blonde rolls her eyes and pulls him to the nearest empty classroom.

'You have some nerve asking me that.' She says through gritted teeth. 'Why do I hate you? You ruined my life.'

'Quinn-' He says softly.

'Before you I was popular and I wasn't the town slut who gave up her kid.'

'I'm sorry.'

She scoffs. 'Just leave me alone.' She goes to walk out of the room but Pucks voice stops her.

'Do you even think about her? Or miss her?'

She doesn't move. She stands there with her back to Puck as she tries to stop the tears that have welled in her eyes from falling. 'Everyday.'

'Q-' He walks towards her and places his hand on her shoulder. She puts her hand on his to keep it there, both seeking comfort in the others touch.

'I miss her too.' He says feeling tears well in his eyes. He knew talking about Beth was going to be hard but he never imagined it to be this hard. He feels like his heart it being ripped out of his chest. 'And I miss you.'

She turns around to face him. 'I'm right here.'

'But it's not how it was when we lived together.'

'Things are different now, we're different now.'

'I wish they weren't.'

'Me too.'

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