Kiss me

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They've been living together for over two weeks. They keep they're distance as much as they can. Well Quinn keeps her distance. Pucks mom made him give Quinn his bed and he was sleeping on the couch downstairs.

Quinn needed new clothes because she was practically exploding when everyday passed. Quinn had insisted that they'd go outside of Lima where nobody new them. She couldn't face the stares and the quiet remarks, not today.


After a few hours of shopping Quinn was tired and Puck was bored out of his mind so they decided to head back home. It still felt weird to call Pucks house her home but as soon as she got there it felt more homely than Finn's house.

'You okay?' Puck asked once they sat in the car.

'Fine.' She smiled.

'We're gonna be okay, you know.' Puck said.


He nodded extending his pinky to her. She gladly did the pinky promise and the next thing she knew they were holding hands the whole ride back.

Once they got back Quinn unpacked her new clothes and once she was finished she laid on the bed next to Puck. She used to be so energetic but now she can barely walk to the bathroom without feeling like she needs a nap.

'It's pretty late. I'll leave you to get some sleep.' Puck said.

'Wait.' She said sitting up slightly. 'Can you stay?'

'Are you sure?' He asked.

She nodded. 'Just lie with me and hold me. Please.'

He gladly did. He laid next to her and wrapped her up in his arms. Suddenly all the doubts that constantly drowned both of them melted away. They laid together silently for a few minuets before Quinn yelped one surprise.

'What's wrong?'

'She just kicked.' She said in amazement. 'The baby just kicked.'

'Seriously?' Puck asked. He was always afraid that he'd miss this stuff when Quinn was living at Finn's house. 'Is this the first time?'

She nodded and smiled at how excited Puck was, he face had quite literally lit up in excitement.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Quinn didn't know what it was, the way he was so excited or how amazing he had been since they began to live together but she really wanted to kiss him. She began to lean into him but he stopped her. She told herself that he didn't know she was going to kiss him. But it felt like he did know and he just didn't want to.

'We should probably go to sleep.' He said.



She woke up an hour earlier than she usually would the next day. It was a Monday and she had school but she couldn't face him. She was so embarrassed. How could she try to kiss him and he pulled away? She released herself from Pucks protective grip around her and got ready as quickly as possible. She needed to be gone before he woke up.

'I'm going to meet Mercedes for Coffee before school.' She quickly wrote on a note, hoping that he didn't realise that Pregnant woman can't drink coffee.

She made her way to Mercedes' house and knocked violently on the door once she got there.


'Hey.' She said.

'Q you know I love you but what are you doing here. Doesn't your baby daddy take you to school?'

'I can't be around him right now. I'll explain later just please drive me to school.'

'Come on.' Mercedes said grabbing her keys. 'We have to pick up Kurt because his car is in the shop.'

Once the girls had picked up Kurt. The conversation had finally turned back to Quinn.

'What's happened with you and Puckerman?'

'Nothing. That's the problem.' She explained.

'Girl, your gonna have to explain a little deeper.' Kurt said. The trio had just reached the school and were now walking though the parking lot.

'Okay so, yesterday we went to a mall outside of Lima and it was just the two of us. No one knew anything about us and it was good. Then we got home and I asked him to lie with me and he did. The baby kicked for the first time and I tried to kiss him.'

'Hold up. What do you mean tried?'

They had now reached the lockers and Quinn pulled hers open. 'I went to kiss him and he pulled away and said that we should go to sleep.' She explained. 'I thought that he wanted me, after everything.'

'He does.' Kurt said.

'You can see it when he looks at you.'

'Then why didn't he kiss me.'

'Why don't you asked him?' Kurt said motioning towards the entrance of the school where Puck was entering the school.

'I can't. He's going to tell me that he's only in this for the baby.'

'You don't know that Q.'

'Well I don't want to ask knowing that it's a possibility.' She said closing her locker and walking away.

'Hey. Have you seen Quinn?' Puck asked approaching Mercedes and Kurt.

'She went that way.' Kurt said pointing in the direction the blonde walked away in.


Quinn was sat on the bleachers trying to clear her head.

'Q? What the hell?' A voice said. The blonde looked up and saw Puck approaching her. 'Where were you earlier?'

'Didn't you get my note?'

'I got it and I knew it was a lie. We both know you can't drink coffee because your pregnant and even if you could you wouldn't because you don't like it.' Puck said. 'What is going on with you Q? If this is about last night-'

'It is about last night!' She blurted out. 'I tried to kiss you and you turned me down. I thought you wanted to be with me. After everything with Finn and the baby daddy drama. I thought you wanted me and when I'm finally ready to open up to you, you turned me down.'

'I didn't turn you down.' He said lowly.

'You knew I was going to kiss you and you didn't kiss me. You practically pushed me away.'

'I wanted to make sure that you wanted it.'


'It was after the baby kicked for the first time. I figured that you were overwhelmed and it was only because I was there and if it were Finn you would have kissed him.'

Quinn bit her lip. She smiled and Kissed him. Once they pulled away she spoke. 'The baby didn't just kick me and I kissed you because I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you not Finn.'

He smiled and kissed her again.

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