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Football practice and Cheerios practise was happening simultaneously on the field. The squad were practising the new routine which included Quinn being at the top of the pyramid.

The football team were doing drills. Puck was distracted by watching the girl at the top of the pyramid. They hadn't spoken since Beth but his feelings for her haven't gone away, they probably never will.

'Puckerman, stop staring at your baby mama.' Karofsky called out.

'Dude, do you want me to punch you?' Puck asked taking of his helmet. 'At least I can knock up a chick, where's your girlfriend?'

'Screw you Puckerman.' Karofsky argued.

'Maybe try to find someone who wants to screw you.' Puck teased. Before he even realised it Karofsky ran at him and sacked him and because it all happened so fast and the boy didn't have his helmet on, he hit his head on the floor.

The football team rushed around the boy. From the top of the period Quinn could see what was going on. She then saw someone on the floor. She tried to look closer and she saw the jersey number 20.

She instantly panicked. 'Put me down!' She called out to the girls. The didnt move. 'Put me down! Now!'

'Q!' Santana called out. Eventually the blonde got to the bottom and ran across the field. She pushed passed the football players and knelt down beside Puck.

'What happened?' She yelled.

'Karofsky sacked him and he hit his head.' Finn explained. 'He's not waking up so we called an ambulance.'

'All because Puckerman couldn't take a joke about his precious baby mama.'

'Screw you Karofsky.'

The ambulance sirens eventually sounded. Puck was put onto a stretcher and rolled into the ambulance.

'Q, is you going with him the best idea?' Finn asked as the blonde was about to get into the ambulance.

'I'm going.' She said and sat next to Puck. She clutched his hand. 'You're gonna be okay. I promise.'


The blondes sitting at his bedside. He was going to be okay. He just needed to wake up.

The boy blinked himself awake and looked around the room and spotted the blonde.

'Hey, you're awake.' The blonde smiled standing up and sitting on the edge of the boys bed. She felt relief wave over her..

'What happened?' He asked.

'Karofsky sacked you. You weren't wearing your helmet.'

'He's an asshole.'

'Tell me about it.' She smiled. 'I'm just glad your okay.'

'You're very pretty.' Puck said slowly. The concussion was clearly getting to him.

She laughed. 'And your very concussed.'

'You are.' He said truthfully. 'The prettiest girl I've ever seen but that's not the only reason I love you.'

'You still love me?'

'Always will.' He replied.

'I'll always love you too.'

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