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Quinn Fabray hated the subway. Being new in New York and having to work a complete new way of transport was not fun. Not in the slightest. The one thing she did like was the sounds. People talking, the train clicking down the track and the singers which played.

Today she heard a new voice, well a new voice for the subway but an old voice in her head. The voice was singing an unfamiliar song, something about a musical soulmate. The blonde wandered further and further towards the voice as the song came to a close.

'This last song is one I sang when I was sixteen for my soulmate. Well I think she's my soulmate and she's god knows where. Enjoy.'

The blonde heard the opening of sweet Caroline. Then it clicked, the voice, the song. She pushed pass the crowd trust formed around the singer and saw him. Noah Puckerman.

The boy she hadn't seen since Santana's nineteenth birthday when she dragged him into the nearest bedroom and they did it.

She couldn't fight the smile that found its way to her face. It wasn't until the song was about to end when he saw her. He instantly smiled, he moved more with the song. The blonde realised that the same look was on her face when he performed it in sophomore year. Then she realised, he sang that song for Rachel, did he think she was his soul mate? The blonde swallowed the lump in her throat and clapped as the song came to a close.

'Hey Puck.' She said walking up to him. The crowd had dispersed and Puck was packing up his guitar.

'Hey Q.' He replied. They hugged and Puck went back to his guitar.

'So you think Rachel is your soulmate?' She asked trying to hide the hurt in her voice.

'Why would you say that?' His face slightly screwing up in disgust, Sure he and Rachel were friends but she was still annoying Berry.

'You sang that song to her in sophomore year when you were dating.'

'I didn't sing it to her.' He said.

'Then who did you sing it to, Santana? Because I don't know if you remember but she's a lesbian.' She said, jealousy filling her. She was alway jealous of the friendship the Latina had with Puck, especially after the sexting situation.

'Quinn.' He said stopping her rambling. 'I sang the song to you.'

Quinn's breathing hitched. Puck thought she was her soulmate? She couldn't fight the smile.

'You mean-'

'How long have you been in New York?'

'After I graduated from Yale.' She said the two began to walk outside of the station. 'What about you?'

'LA didn't work out. Santana and Berry seemed to be living it up, so I figured I'd give it a shot.'

The two went for coffee. It was all very formal and totally out of the couples comfort zone. Puck had offered to walk Quinn back to her apartment and once they reached it the blonde asked about the 'soulmate' situation. She needed to know. She needed to know if he felt the same way.

'About the soulmate thing-'

'You're my soulmate Quinn, and I know I might not be yours but I've been in love with you since I was fifth teen.'

Before Quinn could stop herself he kissed him. He was definitely her soulmate.

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