L-O-V-E (Quick

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Summery The 3 times Quinn and Puck showed their love for each other in secret and the 1 time they showed it out in the open.
Season/episode Pre/During Season 1
Characters Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman
Pairing Quick

L is for the way you look at me

She should feel this way, she shouldn't get butterflies every time he looks her way, she shouldn't want drop everything she has to be in his arms, she should want to be with him.

It's been a week since the day they did it, she hasn't stopped thinking about, how she knows she should have waited till marriage, how it should be with someone she really loves but what she really can't get out of her head is the way his body felt against hers, how thoughtful he was and how much she wished she could do it again.

There was a party at Santana house because her parents were away at a conference and everyone wanted to drunk, except Quinn. The last time she has a drop of alcohol was that night and she's scared if she drinks she'll tell everyone about her and Puck dirty little secret.

At around 1 am the party was winding down and Finn was long gone. Quinn was sitting by the pool aimlessly swirling patterns on the cold water.

'Hey Fabray.' A voice called out. The blonde turned around to see the one and only Noah Puckerman.

'Puckerman.' She replied before turning back to the water.

'Why are you out here by yourself?'

'Santana and Brittany are with some of the football guys in her room, didn't want to interrupt that party.' She answered.

'Where's Finnocent?' He asked sitting next to her.

'He left, said he had some 'homework' to do.' Quinn said doing air-quotes. He was probably on a call to that glee freak as they spoke. 'Why are you here with me anyway? Shouldn't you be hooking up with some hot blonde right about now?'

'You know your the only hot blonde I wanna be with.' He answered smirking. She hated when he said things like that, it made her swoon.

'You're a dick.' Quinn stated

'And you can't take a compliment.'

'I'd hardly call that a compliment.' Quinn

'Whatever Fabray.' Puck said. The pair sat in silence before Puck spoke again. 'Let's go for a drive.'

'Nope. Na-uh no way. You're been drinking.' Quinn said, while she loved Pucks company she was not willing to get in the car with him while he was drunk.

'I haven't had any alcohol. I promise.'  Quinn raised her eyebrow. 'What do you want me to do to prove it?  Should I dance? Do a backflip?'  He asked

Quinn laughed before saying 'Alright I believe you.'  He was telling the truth he hadn't drank all night in hopes the finnocent would go home early and He would get to drive Quinn home

The pair got into Puck truck ands drove to the the lake.

'I haven't been here since I was like 12.' Quinn stated getting out of the truck. The cold air hit her immediately and she started to shiver, what did she expect she went to a party in late September and didn't bring a coat. Without a word Puck took of his leather jacket and
placed it around her shoulders.

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