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It happens one night when Quinn is living with Finn. The blonde is sitting on the boys bed flicking through a magazine. Finn is playing a video games complaining that Puck isn't logged on. It makes her heart swell every time she hears his name.

'Honey.' Carol said entering the boys bedroom. 'Noah and Sara are going to stay the night.'

'His dad's back?' Finn asked.

'Yeah. Ruth just called me and they are on their way. I think Puck might be hurt.'

'I know first aid.' Quinn said. She knew that stuff between him and his dad was bad, he didn't know it was that bad.

'Perfect.' Carol said. The doorbell rang and the three went downstairs. Sara was young and she had no idea what was happening. Ruth took her into living room and put on a movie for the little girl to watch.

'Dude what happened?' Finn asked. Quinn could finally get a proper look at the boy. His lip was bleeding and his eyes was bloodshot. Her guesses was that Puck was trying to help his mom and sister and his dad hit him. She wanted to cry.

'My dad happened.' He said. Quinn knew Puck he didn't like opening up about his dad. Even to Finn, his best friend.

'I'm gonna call Rachel, tell her that I can't make our rehearsal.'

'Go.' Puck said. 'I'll be fine.'

'Q, your okay to clean him up right?' Finn asked. The blonde nodded and he was out of the door.

'Quinn why don't you take Noah up to your room and clean him up?' Carol suggested before returning back to the the living room.

'You're gonna play nurse for me Fabray?' Puck asked smirking. The blonde rolled his eye and took a hold of his hand leading him up to her room which was the guest bedroom. She shouted to Carol that she and Puck were going to be in there.

The blonde derived her first aid kit from her desk and told the boy to sit down. They were silent.
Quinn was standing tending his wounds and he was looking at the ground.

'Your eye is going to bruise.' She said throwing a tissue into the bin.

'Bruises heal.' He shrugged off.

'Trauma doesn't.' She replied.

'Yeah well I know enough about both from my dad.'

'Do you wanna talk about it?' She asked. He was silent. She put he hand gently on his cheek forcing him to look up at her. 'You can talk to me.'

'He came back. We haven't seen him in nearly three years. I was starting to think that maybe this was it and he would finally leave our lives but he came back. My mom tried to kick him out but he overpowered her. He tried to get into Sara's room but I didn't let him so he punch me in the face five times.' He explained. 'He took the money he came for and left.'

'Puck I'm so sorry.'

'Don't be sorry.' He sighed standing up from the chair. 'I'm fine.'

'Puck-' She trailed off.

'Do you see why I care so much about you and the baby now?' He blurted out. 'Because I can't turn into him.'

'You're nothing like him.' She said lowly. She walked towards him and took his hand. 'You never will be.'

The two looked at each other but Quinn reluctantly tore her eyes away. 'I'm going to get you an ice pact for your eye.' and turned to walk away from him but he pulled her back.

'Don't go. Please.' He said. She looked at him. He looked hopeless and lost, she hated seeing him like this. She liked it when he was cocky and overly confident.

'I won't.' She said kindly.


There sitting on Quinn's bed. They're not talking. It's awkward. 'This is wrong.'

'We're not doing anything.' Puck said.

'Not us. This feels right but me staying here, in Finn's house. That's wrong.'

'You should stay here. Raise the baby with Finn.' Puck said sadly. Quinn looked from the wall to his face. She's never seen him like this before, he looked...broken.

'Why?' She finds herself asking.

'Because, look at my life. It sucks.'

'Don't say that.' She said lowly. 'You'll be a great dad some day.'

He scoffed.

'I'm being serious.' She sat up straight and looked at him. 'You are in man in all the ways your father never was.'

He smiled, it makes her smile too. She placed a soft kiss on his lips, he cups her face with his hands to deepen the kiss.

'Quinn, Puck. I'm back.' Finns voice boomed from downstairs.

The pair quickly jumped away from each other. Puck stood up and sat on the chair next to her desk.

'Dude, do you wanna play Call of Duty?' The taller boy said coming into the blondes room.

'Yeah.' Puck said standing up. Finn smiled goofily and left the room leaving Quinn and Puck alone once again.

'I'll text you.' The blonde said.

He smiled and nodded before leaving the room.

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