The story of their love

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They're 14 when they first meet, they are both freshmen at William McKinley high school.

Quinn Fabray captivates the students attention as soon as she first steps into the school. Her head up high, her blonde hair pushed back into a high ponytail, Cheerios uniform and a hard exterior.

Noah Puckerman however had to demand people's respect. He starts off by throwing the more unfortunate looking people into the dumpsters before and after school. When he puts on the almighty letterman jacket for the first time people get to scared to even look him in the eye. Mohawk, letterman jacket and a hard exterior.

He grows the balls to ask her out a week after their first conversation. (Which consists of polite hellos at their first pep rally) He goes to approach the pretty blonde at her locker but is stopped dead in his track when he sees Finn, his best friend go over to her a kiss her.

Yep that hurt.


They're 16 and they are now having a baby and living together.

They're sitting on his bed in his bedroom, not having sex, or anything remotely sexual. They're studying, Noah Puckerman can't remember the last time he studied for a test.

'So you take the two and carry it here.' Quinn explained to him.

Puck wasn't listening, she was watching her, the way she furrowed her brow when he didn't understand the question, the way she purses her lips making him want to kiss her.

'Get it?' She asked snapping him out of her thoughts.

'Marry me.' He blurred out.

'Woah, were not even dating and you're asking me to marry you.' She said in a panic.

'So?' He shrugged. 'We live together, we're having a kid. If that's not a good enough reason to marry eachother I don't know what is.'

Quinn blushed and argued 'How about loving eachother?'

'I love you.'

'Puck your acting weird. Are you okay?' She joked putting her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

'I'm fine baby, I'm serous we should get married.'

Quinn looked down at her hands and mumbled 'Ask me when we're 22.' Puck smiled and Quinn turned her attention back to her math book.


They're 18 and she was in a car accident.

Rachel is standing in front of the glee club telling them the bad news. She was hit by a truck, a drunk driver who cut through the wrong intersection.

He wanted to scream and cry. He could tear his mind away about how lonely and scared she was. He jumped up out of his seat and ran out of the room, while all of his fellow glee clubbers looked at him with sympathy.

He got in his truck and raced like a mad man to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

He lied saying that he were related to her go see if her. She was laying there, as beautiful as ever. She had small cuts on her face and a few blue and purple bruises.

'Don't you dare die on me Quinn. We're gonna get married when we're 22. Just like we said.' He said and placed a soft kiss to her forehead.


They're 20, she's at Yale and He's in the airforce.

Puck had never been very academic, he thought school was for suckers. That's why he decided to join the airforce after Finn died. He wanted to prove himself worthy, not only for himself but to her.

Quinn had got into her dream school even after all the set backs that occurred in sophomore year. She was well liked on campus, it was a different atmosphere than high school wash the people here didn't care about who anyone was and just wanted to get through the school year.

They're both back at McKinley for the 100th glee club lesson. They both thanked the glee club for a lot of things.

He told her that he loved her. He had been wanting to say it again since they were at hospital when Beth was born.

'Just tell me to stay.' He said lowly. She bit her lip and looked down at the ground. She didn't reply.

Puck held his head up high and walked down the halls of McKinley High school. He felt someone grabbed his shoulder and pull him back. Her blonde hair shone in the sunlight. Her hazel eyes looked up at him. Soon they both kissing in the hall way of their old school, something they never did when they were even at high school.



They're 22, they haven't seen each other in over a year because He's been away with the airforce.

It's June 14th, Quinn's 22nd Birthday. It's 8am. He's standing at the front door of her dorm room. Puck takes a deep breath and wiped his sweaty on his jeans, Noah Puckerman never got nervous, Only she makes him nervous.

He knocked on he door and waited to see the lock of his life.


'You didn't think I'd miss your birthday did you?' He replied wearing his infamous smirk.

She walked up to him in her sleepy haze. Puck could've sworn that one Quinn Fabray was a goddess.

'I missed you.' She whispered into the nape of his neck.

'I missed you too.'

Quinn led Puck into her room and he asked her to sit down.

'I don't know how to stay this.'

'What's wrong? Oh my god, did you come here to dump me?' She asked In a panic.

'What? No.' He quickly answered. 'Do you remember our first conversation?' He asked and she nodded. 'The way we both stumbled through the conversation. That is the exact moment I fell for you.' He began. 'In sophomore year we went through some stuff and I don't regret a single second of it.' Quinn smiled. 'Remember when you first moved in to my house and you somehow managed to convince me to study and I asked you to marry me, you said asked me when your 22.' He smiled and waited for Quinn to connect the dots. 'As of 12am this morning you are now 22.' He said moving off the bed to the floor on one knee. 'I have been waiting to do this since we were 14.'

Puck reached inside his pocket and pulled out a small black box. 'Quinn Fabray, will you marry me?'

'Of course I will.' She sobbed out.

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