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He avoided her when they went back to school. She doesn't know why and its eating away at her brain. They had spent most of the summer together and She thought that their relationship was finally going somewhere. Was it because she didn't say that she loved him back? Or that she didn't keep Beth? She couldn't handle the uncertainty of the situation so she did the only rational thing her mind allowed her to do. She went to his house.

'What are you doing here?' He asked, she was the last person he expected to show up on his door step.

'Hello to you too Puckerman.' She said with a bitter smile. 'Wanna tell me why you've been avoiding me?'

'I haven't.'

'You're a bad liar.' She said putting her hand on her hip and furrowing her eyebrow, hoping that he would be intimidated. 'Give it up. You've barely looked at me since school started again.'

'I'm sorry.' He said looking down at his feet and shifting his weight uncomfortably.

'I don't want you to be sorry.' She said softly, letting down her HIBC wall. 'I just want to know what changed. If I did anything wrong or-'

'No. You haven't.' He said finally making eye contact. 'Im just scared.'

She didn't know that fear was an emotion that he possessed.  'Of me?' She asked lowly, afraid to hear his answer.

'No.' He says quickly to put her mind at ease. 'I'm scared of me.'

'I-I don't understand.' The blonde stuttered.

'I'm scared of not being good enough for you. I'm not Finn. I don't deserve you.'

Tears well in the blondes eyes. She closes the space between them and put her hands on his. 'You are good enough. You always have been. I don't want Finn or any other guy. I want you.'

'How do you know that I won't screw things up?' He asked.

'Because you love me.' She says before taking a deep breath and looking him in the eye. 'And I love you.'

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