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She doesn't know how it happenes. One minuet she's at a party with her 'skank' friends and the next she's being pushed into a police car. The party was busted because a neighbour who called the cops, the blonde hadn't been able to get away in time. So now she was waiting in a holding cell for the officers to give her, her one phone call. She racked her mind on who to call. Her parents were off the table because she told them that she was spending the night at Tina's house. Everyone from glee club was also off the table because she hadn't been the kindest to the since she turned into a skank. So when she got the opportunity she called the only person she had memorised their number off.


'Puck it's me.' She said sucking up her pride and loosing any ounce of dignity you had left.

'Why are you calling me from an unknown number at three AM?' He asked. She could tell that the call had probably woke him up.

'I'm in trouble.'

'Where are you? I'm coming to get you.' He asked straight away. She heard him ruffling around putting clothes on.

'I'm at the police station.'

'Holy shit Q! What did you do?'

'I didn't do anything. I was at a party and the cops came and they arrested me and a few other people. Just please hurry.'

'How much is your bail?'

'I don't know.' She said lowly.

'Hang tight princess. I'm on my way.'

The officer took her back to the holding cell. She anxiously awaited for Puck to come and get her. She quickly regretted calling him. She would rather face her mother than him right now. The two haven't had a real conversation in over a year.

'Quinn Fabray. You're bail has been posted.'

She perked up and was ready to get out of that place. She saw Puck at the desk waiting for her.

'You look hot.' He teased.

'Don't push it Puckerman.'

'Wow, prison changed you.' He teased.

The two made their way out of the station into the parking lot and Puck took her to his truck.

'Thank you for picking me up.' She asked doing up her seatbelt.

'Wanna tell me why you were at that party?' He asked.

'It was bad, there were drugs, alcohol and a lot more. The neighbours called the cops and I couldn't get away.'

'Are you okay? Are you hurt?'

'Puck stop.' She said and shook her head.

'Stop what?'

'Playing the protective boyfriend.' She replied.

'Then why'd you call me tonight? Why didn't you call Finn or Sam?'

'I wanted to see you!' She blurted out. 'I am so lost and this was my cry for help. After everything you are still the only person I feel like I can trust.'

'You can trust me.' He said sincerely. 'Let me help you.'

The rest of the car ride was silent. Once Puck stopped the car, she realised that they weren't at her house they were at his. Before she could say anything he spoke.

'You're parents will kill you if they found out you got arrested. You're staying here.'

'O-okay.' She replied slowly. Spending a night with Puck, this was not going to end well.

His mom was working a night shift at the hospital and his sister was sleeping at a friends house.

'Clothes.' He said throwing her one of his shirts.

'You're playing the boyfriend again.'

'In your dreams babe.' He teased. 'Put on the damn shirt.' He left the room to allow her to get changed. She looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't even recognise herself. Her clothes, her hair, everything. It was all wrong. She missed the old her. The person she was with Puck. She put on Puck's shirt. It was huge on her and came out like a dress. It was her favourite shirt of his to wear when she was pregnant. She looked into the mirror once more, tears welled in her eyes.

'Are you done?' Puck asked.

'Y-Yeah, come in.' She wipes her face, getting rid of the tears. She walked over to her bag which was on the bed. Puck was sat on the bed watching her. 'How much do I owe you?'

'For what?'

'Bailing me out.' She said looking through her purse.

'Don't worry about it. I would have done it for anyone.' He shrugged. The blonde rolled her eyes, she sat on the bed and looked at him.

'You are still terrible at lying.' She teased. 'We both know that there are only two people you would do anything for. Your mom and Sara.'

'You're not as smart as you think you are Fabray. You missed one.'


'You.' He said. 'I'd do anything for you.'

'You seriously have to stop.'

He laughed and moved closer to her. 'Stop what?'

'Being so nice to me.' She said. 'I'm a horrible person, I treat people badly. You the worse. I ignored you for a year and-'

She was cut off by him putting his hand on her cheeks and kissing her. 'You're not a horrible person.'

She smiled. 'You have to stop that too.'

'What?' He asked with a smirk playing on his lips.

'Acting like my boyfriend.'

'I'm practicing for the real thing.' He said. 'We inevitable Fabray.'

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