Like a Virgin (Quick)

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Summery- My take on Quinn and Pucks first time (No smut)
Episode/Season - Season 1 Episode 2 - Showmance
Pairing - Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman

It was Friday after school, the Cheerios had there weekly weight in. Quinn knew she put on weight, after all she was stress eating about loosing Finn to that Hobbit. Brittney and Santana were just before and of course they were skinny as can be and lost 3 pounds.

Quinn stepped up to the scale , luckily she was the last one there so she didn't get embarrassed by what ever Sue was going to say. She looked at the number in front of her. 'Shit.' She said under her breath, she had put on 3 pounds in a week.

'Q, you've put on three pounds, I can't have a fat girl on my squad. How are you going to make it to the top of the pyramid without breaking all my other Cheerios backs. You have untill next week to lose 6 pounds and if you don't, you're off my squad.'

Quinn could feel the tears pricking her eyes. She quickly said 'Yes couch.' And ran out of the gym. It was after school so no one was around to see her cry, she went to the auditorium to find Finn because he told her he would be at glee practise. But what she saw when she entered made her feel sicker than she already felt. She saw Finn and Man hands on a picnic blanket, she stayed to see how the rest of the scene played out.

'You know you can kiss me if you want to.' Rachel said sitting closer to Finn

Quinn's breathing hitched as she heard Finn reply 'I want to.' He leaned into the brunette and kiss her lips passionately.

That's all the blonde could take before running out of the auditorium and down the hall way she was so lost in her own thought that she didn't even see that she bumped into someone.

'Woah Q, you alright?' A voice asked her she slowly looked up and saw Noah Puckerman, the school bad ass, she had only spoke to Puck a few times since they started high school, in middle school they were best friends along with Finn, they were like the three musketeers, they were inseparable, well they were until Finn and Quinn started dating and Noah shaved his head into Mohawk and started going by Puck. But what Quinn didn't know was that Finn beat Puck too it, he was going to ask her out but Finn did first, Puck was sort of in love with Quinn but when She and Finn started dating he turned into the cold hearted bad ass that sleeps with anything with a pulse.

'Q, you alright?' He asked again snapping her out of her walk down memory lane.

'I'm fine, Puck.' She said removing her hands from her shoulders.

'How stupid do you think i am Fabray?' He asked with a smirk.

'Do you really want me to answer that Puckerman.' She said walking past him before he grabbed her arm back.

'Fine, I wont push it. But if you wanna talk about it, cause I know something up with you, just call me.' He said letting her walk away.

Quinn quickly ran to her car and drove home. Luckily her parents were on a cruise for the church and they wont be back until later tonight so they couldn't hear her cry. She felt so alone, so she decided to take up Pucks offer and called him.

He showed up 15 minutes later with wine coolers

'I was on my way to a juniors party when you called.'

'Oh, I didn't realise you had plans.'

'I'd rather come here to see that you're okay anyway.' He said using his Puckerman charm 'What's up with you anyway?' He asked following her up the stairs to her room, Finn wasn't even allowed in her room.

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