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Summery- The times they nearly got caught and the one time they did.

Tina Cohen-Chang

The vitamins kicked in hard, Finn had suggested that all the guys took these vitamins that Mr Schue's crazy wife gave him, to win this stupid mash up competition. They boys had just finished the performance and they were buzzing thanks to the vitamin D. The girls loved it and it was safe to say they were assuming to win.

After Glee it was free period and Puck was still coming down from the high, he was wandering around school when he saw Quinn heading to the library with Mercedes and Tina. The trio walked into the library and took their seats.

'Who knew they boys would be that good?' Tina asked.

'Were they really that good?' Quinn asked, she had to miss glee because she was with the nurse.

The two girls nodded in response.

Quinn's phone buzzed in her pocket and she quickly checked it as phones weren't permitted in the library. She saw an * pop up on her phone, knowing it was Puck. He texted her all the time and maybe Quinn was giving Finn too much credit but she was scared that he would get suspicious about why she would text Puck so she saved him as that.

'Look up.' The text read. She did and saw Puck gesturing for her to come outside. She and Tina were sitting facing the door with Mercedes with her back to it, luckily Tina's face was buried in her book (or so she thought.) Quinn excused herself making up a crappy excuse about delayed morning sickness.

She walked outside the library and saw Puck standing there buzzing. The Vitimins had a long lasting effect.

'Woah Puckerman, you feeling okay?' She asked.

'I'm fine, amazing actually.' Puck replied still shaking.

'Okay...' Quinn said. 'What do you want? Tina and Mercedes are gonna get suspicious.'  

'We should keep the baby, move in together, get married and have 2 more kids.' Puck said loud.

'Shut up Puck.' She said putting her hand over his mouth. 'Someone might here you.'

'Good, I am the father of Quinn Fabray's ba-' She cut him off again.

'Shut up.' Quinn hissed.

'I love you.'

'You don't mean that.' Quinn whispered shaking her head.

'Yes I do, I love you Quinn Fabray.'

'Go. Tina and Mercedes are gonna be suspicious.' Quinn said. Puck nodded in deference and walked away.

Tina and Mercedes were still studying, 'I love you.' Tina heard someone say. It sound oddly familiar. She got up pretending to look for a new book to study from. She peered out of the window and saw Puck and Quinn standing together. Soon all of the puzzle pieces connected, holy shit, Puck is the father.


Santana Lopez

Santana and Puck had been on and off since Freshmen year. Whenever the other was 'lonely' they would hook up. Santana was very territorial over Puck only because he was her cover up.

'What's going on with you and Tubbers?' Santana asked approaching Puck.

'Nothing.' Puck answered and continued to walk.

'Oh come on Puckerman, we both know you like her but Finn got there first.' Santana said

'I don't know what you're talking about.'

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