Last Christmas

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5th and Final day of 5 days of Quickmas
Merry Christmas

Quinn was laying in Pucks room thinking about how much her life had changed over the past year. She was captain of the Cheerios, had a loving family and a boyfriend who was the star quarterback and now, she was pregnant, living with the Puckerman's and was sorta dating Noah Puckerman.

She looked at the calendar in Pucks room. It was Christmas Eve. This time last year she was sitting around the fire in her home with her mom,dad and sister watching Christ crusaders. The big Christmas tree stood over them. A small part of the blonde doesn't miss living there. The house may have well been made out of glass, no feeling that weren't happiness were aloud to be spoken about, the picture perfect family had to keep up their image, that's why her dad kicked her out.

Her phone buzzed, it was Kurt and Mercedes asking her if she wanted to come last minute shopping with them. You see after Quinn was kicked out of the Cheerios she had stricken up an unlucky friendship with the two.

She turned over to see that Puck was now awake.

'Morning.' He said sleepily.

'Hi.' Quinn replied. 'Mercedes and Kurt asked if I wanted to go shopping with them.'


'Really?' Quinn asked sitting up.

'Yeah, I have something I wanted to do today.'

Quinn raised her eyebrow. 'Are you meeting some girl?'

'Yes. I am going to meet Santana and see if she wants a quicky.' Puck responded, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

'That's not funny.'

'Alright, alright.' Puck said putting his hands up in surrender. 'I'm kidding, but I do have something I need to do.' Puck stood up from the bed.

'You go out with Hummel and Jones and have fun.' He said placing a kiss on the girls forehead.

Quinn smiled and got ready, she put on a pair of black jeans and red sweater and knee high boots. She straightened her hair and applied light makeup.

'You look nice.'

'You've gone soft.'

'Only around you babe.'

'Where's Sara? Normally she helps me get ready?' Quinn asked referring to Pucks younger sister.

'She's at one of her friends house until the 26th.' Puck replied. 'Oh and my moms working tonight. So it's just you and me.'

'Unfortunately.' Quinn joked. Outside a car horn went off. 'That's Mercedes and Kurt. I'll see you later.'



After hours of shopping Quinn still couldn't find a decent gift for Puck. Obviously she knew he was Jewish and that he did celebrate Christmas but she wanted to get him a thank you gift for being so supportive of her and the baby.

'What about this for Puckerman?' Mercedes asked pointing at a bottle of aftershave.

'No. I like the one her wears and he has like a million bottles of it.' Quinn replied.

'What about this?' Kurt asked.

'It's perfect.' Quinn replied and smiled.


At around 8pm Quinn returned home, she looked around the living room and Puck was no where to be seen. 'Puck?' She called out.

'In here.' She heard him reply from his room. She opened the door and saw Puck sitting on the bed. She saw the walls draped in Christmas lights that lit up the room. She looked deeper into the room and saw A Christmas tree in the corner.

'What is this?' Quinn asked in astonishment.

'I know that your upset about missing Christmas with your folks this year, and this is my sad attempt and Christmas.'

Quinn walked toward the mohawked boy. 'It's perfect.' She stated.

Quinn put down her bags and put her arms around Puck and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

'Do you like it?'

'I love it.' Quinn replied. 'Oh I got you something as well.'

'I'm Jewish.'

'Way to ruin the moment. I know that. But it's not just for Christmas, it's for all the help you gave me these past few months.' The pair sat on the bed and Quinn got out a small black box. She handed it to Puck.

Puck opened the small box that revealed a guitar pick with an engraving on it. 'PQ.'

'Do you like it?'

'I love it.' He replied. 'I got you something as well.'

'Puck this is enough.' Quinn replied referring to the room.

'I saw you looking at this when we went to the mall to get you maternity clothes.' He explained. 'You're face lit up when you saw it so I had to get it for you.'  He handed Quinn a small red box. She opened the box and saw a diamond engraved Cross Neckless.'

'Puck.You really didn't have to.'she said lowly. 'Thank you so much.' She said a kissed him.

'I know Christmas at home would have been better bu-'

'No. This is the best Christmas ever.'

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