Christmas secret

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The glee club were having a christmas party at the Berry/Hudson house. Quinn had been avoiding Puck ever since they arrived. At dinner Quinn drank two more wine glasses than she would have normally. After dinner Quinn helped Rachel clean the kitchen. The brunette walked into the living room and Puck walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

'What's going on Q?'

'Nothing. I'm fine, promise.' Quinn said. She wasn't fine. Her heart was breaking everytime she looked at him.

'You're not fine and you know it.' Puck said. 'You haven't spoke to me all night. You've drank way more than you usually would and you're doing that thing with bracelet.' Puck pointed to the bracelet which Quinn had been fiddling with all night. 'You do it when you're keeping a secret, or feel guilty about something.'

'Puck-' Quinn sighed.

'Tell me, please.' He begged holding her hands.

That it. That's all it took for Quinn to break down in his arms. 'I can't have kids.'

Both of their worlds came tumbling down.

'What? '

'I thought that I was pregnant. I had all of the symptoms so I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm it so that it could be a Christmas present for you. But they told the thaT because of my accident I can't have anymore kids.'

'I thought the doctors said that every thing was fine after your accident.'

'Something changed.' She said sadly. 'If you want to break up-.'

Puck stopped her. 'No' He looked at her in the eyes. 'This doesn't change anything between us Q.'

'But you've always wanted kids, especially after Beth.' Beth was not a topic the couple talked about often. Even after eight years it still hurt.

'There are other ways, we can adopt or have a surrogate.' Puck said. 'This does not change how much I love you. Nothing will.'

'I love you so much.'

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