Mothers day

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She's knows what today is. She tried to push it to the back of her mind and pretend that she doesn't care, but she does care. So much.

She plans on staying in her room all day and avoiding the world. She couldn't face anyone. Not today. Her plans were soon ruined when she heard the sound of rocks hitting the window. She opened her curtain and saw Puck standing in her backyard. Opened the door to her mini balcony and stepped out, wrapping her robe around her form. It was the same one she wore when Beth was born.

'What are you doing here?'

'I know what today is.' He shrugged.

She smiled weakly. 'The doors open.' She said and he entered the house and walked up the stair making his way into her bedroom. He was immediately met with her wrapping her arms around his pulling him into a hug. She was crying. Tears that she had kept bottled up for months.

'I miss her so much.' She sobbed.

'I know.' He said lowly. 'Me too.'

The two sat on her balcony in silence. 'Thank you for coming here today.'

'Don't worry. I wanted to see you.'


'I know, you've moved on and want to forget about us but I can't.'

'Neither can I.' She admitted. 'I keep replaying last year in my head.'

'Me too.'He admitted. 'Remember when we baked?'

'I remember you starting a food fight.'

'Nah-uh Fabray. You called me an egghead and cracked an egg on my head.' Puck argued.

'In my defence you were being an egghead.' She smiled. 'Anyway you still drugged the whole school.'

'I did it for you.' Puck argued. 'That's my way of being romantic.'

Quinn laughed. She really missed being around Puck. Things were easy with him. She didn't have to fake laugh or fake a smile. It wasn't like that with Sam. His impressions were dumb but she pretended to know who he was impersonating.

'Did you get the photo Shelby sent?' The blonde asked. It was a photo of Beth, she looked just like Quinn.

'Yeah. I put it it my wallet.' He said getting it out to show the blonde. Quinn moves closer to him to see it. She saw the same photo of Beth but she also saw a polaroid of the couple when they lived together.

'You keep a photo of us in your wallet?' She asked raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah.' He said lowly. He hadn't meant for her to see that.

Quinn thought that it was insanely romantic to have a photo of someone you love in your wallet. Wait... he still loved her? Why else would he still have a photo of them in his wallet.


'I don't know.' He replied. 'I just- I don't want to forget about it. When we lived together.'

'Me neither.' She sighed. 'Do you think we'll forget about it all someday? About Beth and eachother.'

'Nah.' He replied simply. 'We both love Beth so we'll never forget her.'

'What about me?' She asked. She doesn't know why.

'I couldn't never forget you Q.'

'Because you love me?'

'Don't make me say it.' He said.

'Say it.' She said lowly. 'Please.'

'I love you.' He said looking at her. It was everything she's ever wanted to hear.

She kissed him. He kissed back and the rest of the world melted away. It was wrong. They both knew it. They're minds were screaming at them to stop but their hearts lead them. They pulled away, breathless. They rested the foreheads against each other's.

'Your turn.' Puck said lowly. 'Tell me you love me.'

She swallowed the lump in her throat. 'I-I' She stuttered and took a deep breath. 'I love you'

Puck smiled and kiss her again.

They could worry about the consequences tomorrow.

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