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'What are you doing here?' Quinn asked seeing Puck standing at the door. She was exhausted. She had gotten home from the hospital a few hours ago and hadn't stopped crying.

'I wanted to check on you.' He replies. His hands are stuffed into his pockets as he shifts uncomfortably.

She opens the door to let him in. 'I was gonna call you-'

'No you weren't.' He cuts her off. He's right. She wasn't going to call him. She didn't know what to say to him. They went up to her bedroom and sat on her bed.

'Puck I'm fine.'

Puck really hates the word fine. It's not a real emotion. It's what people say when they don't want to talk about how they actually feel. When they want to keep everything bottled up inside until they inevitably explode.


'I don't want to talk about her.'

'Me neither.' He says sadly. 'I want to talk about us.'


'I told you that I loved you earlier. You didn't say it back. But I don't think that you didn't say it back because You don't love me. I think you didn't say it back because you're scared to.'

'Can we not do this right now?' She asks. She just wants to sleep but she can't shut off her mind. Thinking about her little girl in someone else's arms, thinking about Puck.

'Quinn, just tell if you love me or not.'

'I-I-' She couldn't find the words. She didn't know what to say. She wanted to say the three words that she had been feeling for so long but she was terrified. Not of loving him, that was one thing she had never been afraid of because it's so easy to love him. She was terrified of hurting him, the same way she hurt Finn. 'I do love you.' She finally says. 'But you shouldn't want me too.'

'I do. I want you to love me the same way I love you.'

'It's not that easy.'

'Why can't it be?' He shrugs. 'Let something be easy for us, just this once.'

She smiles shyly. She wished that she had his outlook on life. 'Okay.'

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