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She was furious. Why was he singing to Rachel Berry? She should care, her blood shouldn't be boiling. But she did and it was.

She spotted him at his locker and immediately walked over to him. 'Since when are you dating the hobbit?'

'Since when do you care about what I do?'

'She's going to ruin your reputation.'

'Like I would ruin yours?' He replied.    
His words made her bite lip. When they hooked up she told him that she had to protect her reputation.

Before she could answer the bell rang and Rachel appeared next to Puck.

'Noah I wanted to ask you about glee club?'

'Sure.' He said not taking his eyes off of Quinn. Rachel pulled him away. The blonde watched the two walk in the opposite direction and bit her lip. Why did she feel like this?


It was nearing the last class of the day and Quinn was walking down the halls when she was pulled into the choir room.

'What the-' She began but stopped when she saw Puck.

'Why do you care?'

'Excuse me?'

'Why do you care that I sang a song to Berry?'

'I don't.'

'Don't lie to me.' He said lowly. He knows that she can't lie to him, not matter how hard she tries.

She bit her lip and looked away. 'I don't know.'


'I don't know why I care, okay? I don't know why I care so much about you and I don't know why seeing you with Rachel made me want to scream and cry.' She blurted out. She regretted it immediately.

He was shocked to say the least. Quinn sat on the piano bench. She hated that she just let him know how she felt.

'I didn't sing that song to Rachel.' He admitted leaning against the piano. The blonde looked up at him. 'I sang it to you. I remember that once you said it was one of your favourite songs.' She smiled shyly. 'I wanted to make you jealous. I think it worked.' He teased.

'I'm not jealous.' She said. She very much was and he knew it.

'Okay Fabray.' He rolled his eyes.

'I wish things were different.'

'Me too.'

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