Shut me out

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She tries to avoid Puck. That's all she's ever tried to do. It's not a easy as it seems because he's always around. In the halls, in glee club. Hell he's even starting to go to Finns house when he knows that she's living there.

It doesn't help that every time she sees him her heart flutters and skips a beat. When the make eye contact she has to make herself look away.

She's in her new room at Finns house. Everything feels wrong here. She is so sick of the lying. Finns at the basketball game and Quinn refused to go. She hates being in that gym. Carol is also at the game leaving the blonde alone. She stays in her room, like usual. Catching up on the classes that she missed. She couldn't loose her 4.0.

The door bell rang and she reluctantly stood up making her way down the stairs to the door. She opened it and inhaled a sharp breath when she saw Puck at the door.

'You shouldn't be here.' She says finding her words.

'But here I am anyways.' He says with a smirk.

'Finn is going to be home soon.' She lied, the game only just started.

He obviously catches her out on the lie because he corrects her. 'The game just started.'

'Why aren't you there? You're on the team.'

'I had something better to do.' He smiles.

'What?' She asked raising an eyebrow.

'Checking on you. You haven't spoke to me since-'

'You sexted Santana.' She blurted out and biting her lip to stop her from saying anything else.

'I'm sorry about that.' For a moment she actually believes him. She shouldn't believe him but that means letting him in again and that means he'll probably break her heart.

'Is that it?' She asked growing impatient.

'How are you?'

'Do you really care?'

'Come on Q. You know I do.' He said. The blonde looks pasted him and sees a few of the neighbours watching them. She quickly grabs his shirt and pulls him into the house.

'What was that?'

'The neighbours were watching. I don't want them to get suspicious.'

'Right.' He nods slowly. 'Why can't we just tell people?'

'Because we cant. We're too deep in the lie now.'

'You're the one who started the lie, you should have dumped Finn after we-'

'Stop.' She said slowly. 'You should go.' She says reluctantly, he doesn't want him to leave.

'Stop shutting me out Q.' He says softly. Against her better judgement, she doesn't force him to leave like she should, instead she walks upstairs to her room. He doesn't follower her. He stands at the bottom of the stairs with a confused look on his face.

'Are you coming on not?'

The pair make there way to the blondes room. It was bare, no posters or pictures were on the walls. She sits on the bed and crossing her legs. He stands at the door.

'We should just tell him.' He says after a while of silence.

'We can't. I know that you think I'm a huge bitch for not telling Finn but I'm doing this for you.'


She looked at her hands and sighed. 'If Finn finds out, he won't just hate me. He'll hate you too. Do you really want to loose your best friend?' He sighed and shook his head. 'That's why Finn can't find out.'

'I'm sorry for all of this.' Puck said. She'd never seen him like this before. The facade and the bravo was stripped away and it was just Puck.

'I know.' She said slowly. 'Sometimes I wish I met you first.' She says, unsure of her sudden need for honesty.

She met Finn the first day of Freshman year. He was sweet and the two were friends right away. That's all she ever saw Finn as, a friend. But when she first saw Puck butterflies erupted in her stomach. He was her first crush. But Finn asked her out and she didn't know how to say no. If only she'd met Puck first.

'Me too.' Puck said. He walks towards the bed and kneels in front of where she's sitting. He lifts up her chin to make her look at him. 'I really am sorry.'

All of her common sense flys out the window when she looks into his eyes. She kissed him like her life depended on it. Her mind yell at her to stop but the sound of her heart beating loudly with anticipation drowned out the screams. Eventually the two are laying on the bed with the blonde on her back with on hand on the back on the boys next and the other grazing light up and down his chest, while Puck was laying just to the right on the girl to not touch the baby bump.

'This is wrong.' Puck says in between kisses.

'I know.' She said sadly. The two pull away and take a few seconds to catch their breath. 'I just-I like the way I feel when I'm around you. I don't want that to end yet.'

'Me neither.' He said reattaching their lips once again. However this time is doesn't last very long because the doorbell sounded. The two jumped up quickly and the blonde fixes her hair in the mirror.

'You need to leave.'

'So everything that just happened, what we said, what we did. We're supposed to just forget about it.'

'Puck, please.' She pleaded with the boy. 'I'll call you.'

'Sneak out tonight.' He begs.

'What do you want me to do? Shimmy down the drain pipe?'


'I'll try.' She says. The two make their way downstairs. 'Go out the back door.'

'Kiss me first.' Puck says.

'You're such a dick.' She smiles.

'Quinn, are you home?' Finns voice yelled from outside the door. Soon the jingling of keys sounded, startling her. Finn was going to be in the house and catch them at any minute.

'I'm not leaving until you kiss me.' Puck whispered.

'I really hate you.' She said with a grin. She quickly kissed him. 'Go.'
He did as he was told and exited through the backdoor. The blonde smiled to herself and she quickly went to open the door.

'Sorry I was studying.'

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