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He was back from Juvie and welcomed back with a mashup competition where the girls had performed a super hot mash up of start me up and living on a prayer. Obviously his eyes were on a certain blonde the whole time. He watched as she danced and sung with the rest of the girls and knew that she was throwing glances at him.

Because of his probation rules he has to keep his grades up, which means studying and doing homework. He can't do it at his house because his little sister is annoying as hell and never stops asking when she's going to see Quinn again. He'd be dead if he was seen in the library so he settled for the choir room. He sat on one of the chairs and began to study. He was interrupted by the door opening. He looked up and saw Quinn, she was still in her costume for the mashup and looked so hot.

'I left my car keys somewhere in here.' She said in a tone where she didn't think he owed him an explanation.

'Okay princess.' He smirked acting like he was going back to his work but he was really checking her out.

'Nice earring.' She commented continuing to look around the room.

He smirked. 'Nice ass. I didn't know you looked so hot in leather.'

She rolled her eyes. 'How was your date with Santana?' She asked trying to hide her jealousy and bitterness. It didn't work.

'Brit was there too.' He smirked again. Quinn wanted to slap the smirk off his face. 'Why do you care anyway? You're dating Fish lips.'


'So, you told me you wanted this year to be about you.' He said.

'Don't-' She said walking in front of him. 'You don't know me.'

He laughed. 'I don't know you?' He sat up slightly straighter in his chair. 'Yeah, I don't know you. But I know that your favourite colour is Yellow despite everyone thinking it's pink. I know that you can't sleep in absolute silence and that your scared of the dark. I know that your constantly scared of not being good enough and that your scared to open up about about your feelings to anyone. But you're right Q. I don't know you at all.' He said, he was furious at her. 'Can you hurry up and find your keys? I have to study.' He return his attention to book in front of him but was quickly interrupted by Quinn removing the book from his lap and moving to sit on him and straddle him.

'What are you-' He began but was cut off by the blonde.

'Don't speak.' She hushed him, she then kissed him with every ounce of passion in her body. He was taken aback but he didn't know how long this moment was going to last so he kissed her back with just as must passion and lust. They don't know how long the kissing lasted, but both of the knew the didn't want it to stop.

Once they pulled away Quinn stood up and walked away. 'This didn't happen.'

He was sitting in the chair stunned and realisation waved over him. 'What about your keys?'

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her keys, jingling then at him.

It wasn't over between them.

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