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It was a cold November evening, Noah Puckerman was walking to the Fabray house hold to pick up Quinn, they were going to babysit Beth.

Quinn Fabray was waiting for Puck to arrive. The knock on the door startled Quinn and she quickly gathered her purse and Phone and answered the door.

'Lucy.' Puck greeted, knowing Quinn hated that name.

'Noah.' She sneered back. 'Let's go.'


The pair arrive at Shelby's apartment which was only a few blocks from Quinn's house. 'Okay so her formula is in the fridge, she should go to sleep in about half hour and if you need me my number is on the counter.' Shelby said before kissing Beth on the forehead and leaving.

'Hey B.' Quinn said picking up her mini me.

'She looks just like you.' Puck said admiring the two girls in front of him.

'Yeah but she still looks like you, she had you smile.' Quinn replied looking at Beth. 'Do you wanna hold her?'

Puck took his daughter into his arms and started lightly bouncing her up and down causing the one year old to giggle.

'You're so good with her.' Quinn said in awe on him. He had seen Beth a handful more times than Quinn had because Shelby wouldn't allow Quinn to see her own daughter when she was going through her skank phase.

'I've had a lot of practise, with Sara.' Puck said placing the girl into her crib because she was dozing off.

The sound of crying erupted around the small apartment.

'What do we do?' Quinn asked in a panic.

'Don't worry Q. I got this.' Puck said before picking up his guitar.

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true

Puck sang strumming his guitar quietly sending the little girl to sleep. Quinn stood leaning again the door frame watching him sing to there daughter, times like these she wished they kept her.

Puck stood up quietly and closed the Beth's bedroom room.

'Do you ever think about what life would be like if we kept her?' Puck suddenly asked.

'All the time.' Quinn admitted sitting on the couch.

'Me too.' Puck said. 'Do you think we'd still be together if we did?'

'Probably, maybe. But it would have been to hard to stay together after we gave her up.' Quinn stated.

'Yeah. That's why you practically ignored me during junior year.'

'It was too hard for me Puck. Seeing you reminded me of her and how much I loved you.' Shit, she didn't mean to admit that much.

Puck was visibly took back by Quinn's confession. 'You-you-um loved me?' He asked getting chocked up. 'Why didn't you say this at the hospital when I said I loved you and you didn't reply?'

'I wanted to, I almost did but then Shelby interrupted.' Quinn admitted.

'Oh.' Puck said in defeat. 'How do you feel now?'

She knew this was coming. She finally had to admit what she had bottled up for the past year.

'I still do, never stopped. I dated Sam and Finn to push all thoughts of you to the back of my mind.' Quinn explained.


An hour later the pair was sitting in Beth's room watching over her to make sure she was okay.

'Do you think we'll have another one?' Puck asked.

Now it was Quinn's turn to be took back by his comment.

'Puck were not even together and were only 18.'  Quinn said.

'I know that but someday after graduate from Yale we get back together, get a big house somewhere out of Lima but just close enough to visit all the time, with 2 more kids but Beth would stay over all the time.' Puck explained causing Quinn to smile, the weird thing was that she could imagine this vividly in her mind.

'Anything else?' Quinn asked.

'Yeah, our kids would be named Daniel but Danny for short and Valerie.' Puck said.

'You really thought about all of this?' Quinn asked looking at her hands.

'Yeah.' Puck whispered.

'You a real softy you know that. When your not being a self proclaimed bad ass.' Quinn joked.

'I guess you just have that effect on me.' Puck said. A few seconds later the door bell rang and Shelby was home.


The teenage parents walked back home together in silence.

'I had a really good time tonight Puck.' Quinn said once they reached her door.

'Me too.' Puck said.

Quinn kissed Puck on the cheek and said goodnight, he said goodnight and turned to walk away before Quinn stopped him. 

'I hope what you said earlier comes true.' She admitted.

Puck walked away with a smile on his face.

He was going to do anything he could to make it come true.

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