Tell me you care

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He was furious when Finn told him that Quinn's parents had kicked her out. He was angry at her piece of shit parents, angry at Finn for not saying something and standing up for Quinn and he was mad at himself for making it happen.

The next day she looked broken. Like she was going to crack and break at any given time. Her tear stained face was covered with makeup which had everyone else fooled, but not him. He knew her too well.

He was currently in the janitors closet knowing that Quinn would walk past it at any minute, he needed to talk to her, apologise and the only way that was going to happen was if they were alone. The only problem was she refused to be alone with him. He pulled her into the closet and was immediately met with her scolding face.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' Her voice was sharp and defensive. It was her HBIC voice.

'Im sorry.' He said ignoring her question.


'You're parents, they suck.'

'I really don't want to talk about my parents with you. I don't want to talk to you about anything.' She said still keeping up her HBIC attitude. He was going to break down her walls and find the real Quinn that only he knew.

'Who are you staying with?'

'Finn. Who else would I stay with?'

'Me.' He shrugged.

'You are delusional.' She scoffed. 'I'm leaving now.' She turned to open the door but his voice stopped her.

'We need to tell Finn.'

'No we don't.' She kept her eyes on the door. 'I told you, I'll go to the grave swearing that it Finns.'

He grabbed her hand and moved her to face him. 'I care about you.' His voice was low. 'Both of you.'

'If you really care about me, you'll leave me alone.'

'Don't you get it Q? I can't. I can't get you out of my head.'

Her lips parted in shock of the revelation.

'Fine. I'll leave you alone if you can tell me one thing.' He said. 'Look me in the eye and tell me that you feel nothing for me.'

'You're ridiculous.' She stifled a laugh and headed to the door again.

'Tell me.' She turned to face him. They locked eyes and he took a step closer to her. 'Then I will never ask about the baby or make sure that you're okay when Finn is too busy eye-fucking Berry. I'll never text you again. I won't pray that Schuester will pair us up in the group numbers and I'll try to get over you and stop thinking and worrying about you so fucking much. Just say that you don't care about me and I'll disappear from your life. Just tell me.'

She tore her eyes away from his. She wished that things were different. It would be so easy to say that she didn't have feelings for him. To say that she didn't get butterflies every time his name popped up on her phone with another text. She wishes that she didn't hope that he'd be her dance partner. She wished that she didn't have feelings for him. But she did. She looked at him once more and because of her silence he had the same pain in his eyes as he did when she rode away with Finn on the wheelchair.

'I can't.' She said lowly. She was sick of lying.

'What?' He asked not sure he heard her right.

'I can't tell you that I don't care about you or that I don't have feelings for you because I do. I wish I didn't but I do.'

'Why do you wish you didn't?'

'Because everything would be easier. It would be easier to shut you down and tell you to leave me alone but I don't want to hurt you and-'

He cut her off by kissing her. He thought that she'd pull away. Slap him and run away but she didn't. She relaxed into the kiss pulling him closer.

'I don't care if you hurt me.'

'I care.' She said putting her hand on his chest, just like she did in the middle of the hallway last week. 'You deserve someone who won't hurt you.'

'I don't care. I'd rather you hurt me and break my heart than for me to do that to you.' He said. 'Id rather die than to see you hurting.'

This time she kissed him. She desperately wanted to be with him. To feel his body pressed against her. He backed against the wall, deepening the kiss. Her hands grazed up and down his chest. The voice in her head told her to break away from him. That this was wrong. But her heart lead her. It told her that this is how she should feel, how the person she really wants to be with is in front of her.

She broke away from the kiss. This was wrong. Doing this was only going to hurt him more.

'We can't.' She spoke

'Why not?' 

'Because look at this, where we are.'

'The janitors closet?'

'It's always going to be in these hidden places Puck, under the bleachers, out of town where no one knows us. A secret. You deserve better.'

'I don't care. I just want you.' He said.

'I'm sorry.' She said.

'I'm not. I'm going to hide the way I feel for you Q.'

'I'm sorry.' She repeated leaving the janitors closet.


Later that night she was in Finns bed while he was playing Halo. Her phone chimed and she got the same familiar feeling of butterflies when she saw who the text was from. She opened it and her heart soared with the words written on her screen.

I'm not giving up.

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