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It's December 17th and school was closing for winter break. As soon as the bell rang that afternoon they were free for a few weeks.

Quinn walked through the halls and opened her locker only to find a box sitting inside. She opened it and inhaled a sharp breath when she saw the necklace. It was gorgeous.

Sam was so sweet. She immediately went to find the blonde boy. He was at his locker with Mike.

'Hey babe.'

Quinn placed a soft kiss on his lips. 'Thank you for the necklace.'

'Necklace? I didn't get a necklace. I haven't even given you your present yet.' Sam said, looking extremely confused.

'Oh it must be from Mercedes.' Quinn nodded. 'I'll see you around.'

Quinn walked out of school and saw Mercedes and Kurt by the boys car. 'Did either of you buy me a necklace?'

'No.' The pair said in unison.

'Then who did?' Quinn asked. She pulled out the box and showed her friends.

'It's gorgeous.' Mercedes said.

'It looks like Quinn has a secret admirer.' Kurt teased.

'What's this?' Mercedes asked tugging at a small piece paper on the lid of the box.

Merry Christmas Princess

Kurt furrowed his brow. 'Princess? Who calls you Princess?'

'No one.' Quinn replied. 'I-I have to get home. I'll see you around.'

The blonde walked to her car and noticed Puck looking at her from a few spaces away.

'What are you looking at Puckerman?' She bit harshly.

'Nothing.' He smirked. She wanted to slap the smirk off of his face.

Safe to say, after everything that went down between them last year. The couple didn't remain friends.

The blonde rolled her eyes. 'You're a moron.'

He hummed in amusement. 'See you around Princess.' And with that he gets into his truck and drives off.

It takes the blonde a few seconds to register what he said. Princess


Quinn gets home and she can't stop staring at the necklace. Why would Puck get her a gift? Did he still have feelings for her?

The blonde would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't still have feelings for the boy. They had been through so much together and she never really allowed herself to get over him. As soon as they broke up she jumped into her relationship with Sam.

She couldn't stand to be alone thinking about this, so she got up and went for a drive. She isn't complete surprised when she finds herself parking outside of Puck's house.

She finds herself walking up the drive way and furiously banging on the door.

'Q-Quinn what are you doing here?' Puck asked once he opened the door.

'What the hell is this?' She asked showing him the box.

'A box.' He replied.

'Don't play dumb Puckerman.' She bit. 'I know you got this for me. But you can take it back. I don't want it.' She said shoving it into his chest.

'Take it!' Puck exclaimed. 'I bought it for you last year.'


'I bought it last year when we were sorta dating.' Puck revealed. 'So, keep it.'

'Why didn't you give it to me then?'

'I-I don't know.' He shrugged. 'I was scared I guess.'

'Since when do you get scared?' She teased with a smile.

'Only around you.' He blurted out before he can process what he's saying. 'Just say thank you, and keep it.'


'Please Q.' He pleaded.

She sighs. 'Okay.' She nods. 'Thank you, it's stunning.'

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